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Futureproof mobile engagement with a WhatsApp-like experience

Futureproof mobile engagement with a WhatsApp-like experience

Developers come first

Sendbird’s chat API, voice API, video API, native chat SDKs, feature-rich platform, and ready-made UI components make developers more productive. We take care of a ton of operational complexity under the hood, so you can power a rich chat service plus life-like voice and video experiences—without worrying about features, edge cases, reliability, or scale.

Check out our developer resources:

  • IOS
  • Android
  • JavaScript
  • Flutter
  • .NET
  • Unity
  • Platform
            let initParams = InitParams(applicationId: appId)
SendbirdChat.initialize(params: initParams)
SendbirdChat.addChannelDelegate(self, identifier: delegateId)
SendbirdChat.connect(userId: userId) { user, error in
    // Get channel
    GroupChannel.getChannel(url: channelURL) { channel, error in
        // Send message
        channel?.sendUserMessage(message) { message, error in
            // Message sent

Digital connections drive real results

Enterprise-ready compliance

The fastest growing startups to the largest enterprises trust Sendbird with their data. Our chat API, voice API, video API, and conversations platform adhere to leading security and compliance standards to ensure that all your communication and data are encrypted both in rest and motion.

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