Package-level declarations


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Fragment displaying the banned member list of the channel.
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Fragment that is the basis of fragments provided by UIKit.
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Fragments provided to use UIKit's modules.
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Fragment that provides chat in GroupChannel
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Fragment displaying the list of channels.
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Fragment displaying the push setting option of GroupChannel.
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Fragment displaying the information of GroupChannel.
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Fragment displaying the user list to create the channel.
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Fragment displaying the user list to create a open channel.
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Fragment displaying the user list to invite to the channel.
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Fragment displaying the member list in the channel.
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Fragment that provides message search
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Fragment that provides thread list of the parent message since 3.3.
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Fragment displaying the menu list to control the channel.
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Fragment displaying muted members of the channel.
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Fragment displaying the banned user list of the channel.
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Fragment that provides chat in OpenChannel
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Fragment displaying the list of open channels.
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Fragment displaying the menu list to control the open channel.
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Fragment displaying muted participants of the channel.
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Fragment displaying the operators of the open channel.
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Fragment displaying the participant list to be operator.
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Fragment displaying the information of OpenChannel.
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Fragment displaying the operators of the channel.
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Fragment displaying the operators of the channel.
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Link copied to clipboard
open class PhotoViewFragment : PermissionFragment, PermissionFragment.PermissionHandler, LoadingDialogHandler
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Fragment displaying the user list to be operator.
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Create a new Fragment.