Package-level declarations
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Represents the state of the menu dialog in the ChannelsScreen when a channel is long clicked.
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class ChannelsViewModel(repository: ChannelsScreenResourceRepository, savedStateHandle: SavedStateHandle) : ViewModel, ChannelsViewModelContract
The ViewModel class for ChannelsScreen.
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The ViewModel contract for ChannelsScreen.
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class ChannelsViewModelParams @JvmOverloads constructor(val queryParams: GroupChannelListQueryParams = GroupChannelListQueryParams()) : SendbirdViewModelParams
The ViewModel parameters for ChannelsViewModel.
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class DefaultChannelMenuDialogContract(channel: UikitGroupChannel, viewModelContract: ChannelsViewModelContract) : ChannelMenuDialogContract
Represents the contract for the channel menu dialog in the ChannelsScreen.
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fun ChannelItem(channel: UikitGroupChannel, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, onClick: (UikitGroupChannel) -> Unit = {}, onLongClick: (UikitGroupChannel) -> Unit = {})
Represents a single item in the channel list.
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fun ChannelMenuDialog(channel: UikitGroupChannel, channelMenuDialogContract: ChannelMenuDialogContract, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, menus: @Composable (UikitGroupChannel, ChannelMenuDialogContract) -> List<DialogMenuDetail> = { groupChannel, contract ->
SendbirdDialogDefaults.channelsMenuItems(channel = groupChannel, contract = contract)
}, onItemClick: (DialogMenuDetail) -> Unit = { it.onClick() }, onDismissRequest: () -> Unit = {})
Represents the dialog for the channel menu in the ChannelsScreen.
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fun ChannelsScreen(navController: NavController?, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, onTopBarNavigationIconClick: () -> Unit = { navController?.popBackStack() }, onTopBarActionClick: () -> Unit = { navController?.navigateToChannelCreation() }, onChannelItemClick: (channel: UikitGroupChannel) -> Unit = { channel ->
}, onChannelItemLongClick: (channel: UikitGroupChannel, channelsDialogState: ChannelsDialogState) -> Unit = { channel, channelsDialogState ->
}, viewModelContract: ChannelsViewModelContract = viewModel<ChannelsViewModel>(
factory = ChannelsViewModel.factory()
), channelDialogState: ChannelsDialogState = rememberChannelsDialogState(), snackbarHostState: SnackbarHostState = remember { SnackbarHostState() }, channelsDialog: @Composable (UikitGroupChannel, ChannelsDialogState) -> Unit = { channel, state ->
channel = channel,
channelMenuDialogContract = DefaultChannelMenuDialogContract(channel, viewModelContract),
onDismissRequest = { state.dismissChannelMenuDialog() }
}, topBar: @Composable (onNavigationIconClick: () -> Unit, onActionClick: () -> Unit) -> Unit = { onNavigationIconClick, onActionClick ->
onNavigationIconClick = onNavigationIconClick,
onActionClick = onActionClick
}, loading: @Composable () -> Unit = {
}, failure: @Composable (e: Throwable) -> Unit = {
onRetryClick = { viewModelContract.prepare() }
}, empty: @Composable () -> Unit = {
icon = painterResource(id = R.drawable.icon_chat),
text = stringResource(id = R.string.sb_text_channel_list_empty)
}, channelItem: @Composable (channel: UikitGroupChannel, onClick: (UikitGroupChannel) -> Unit, onLongClick: (UikitGroupChannel) -> Unit) -> Unit = { channel, onClick, onLongClick ->
channel = channel,
onClick = onClick,
onLongClick = onLongClick
modifier = Modifier.padding(start = 88.dp),
color = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.onBackground.copy(alpha = SendbirdOpacity.ExtraLowOpacity)
Represents the screen for displaying a list of UikitGroupChannels.
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fun ChannelsTopBar(modifier: Modifier = Modifier, onNavigationIconClick: () -> Unit = {}, onActionClick: () -> Unit = {}, title: @Composable () -> Unit = {
stringResource(id = R.string.sb_text_header_channel_list),
modifier = Modifier.padding(12.dp)
}, navigationIcon: @Composable () -> Unit = {
BackButton(onClick = onNavigationIconClick)
}, action: @Composable () -> Unit = {
icon = painterResource(id = R.drawable.icon_create),
contentDescription = stringResource(id = R.string.sb_view_header_right_button_description),
modifier = modifier.size(32.dp),
onClick = onActionClick
The top bar for the ChannelsScreen.
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Creates a ChannelsDialogState that can be remembered across compositions.