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fun sendbirdDarkColorScheme(primary: Color = PrimaryLight, onPrimary: Color = OnlightTextHighEmphasis, primaryContainer: Color = PrimaryDark, onPrimaryContainer: Color = PrimaryExtraLight, inversePrimary: Color = PrimaryMain, secondary: Color = SecondaryLight, onSecondary: Color = OnlightTextHighEmphasis, secondaryContainer: Color = SecondaryDark, onSecondaryContainer: Color = SecondaryExtraLight, tertiary: Color = InformationLight, onTertiary: Color = OnlightTextHighEmphasis, tertiaryContainer: Color = InformationDark, onTertiaryContainer: Color = InformationExtraLight, background: Color = Background700, onBackground: Color = OndarkTextHighEmphasis, surface: Color = Background600, onSurface: Color = OndarkTextHighEmphasis, surfaceVariant: Color = Background500, onSurfaceVariant: Color = OndarkTextMidEmphasis, surfaceTint: Color = OverlayDark, inverseSurface: Color = Background300, inverseOnSurface: Color = OnlightTextHighEmphasis, error: Color = ErrorLight, onError: Color = OnlightTextHighEmphasis, errorContainer: Color = ErrorDark, onErrorContainer: Color = ErrorExtraLight, outline: Color = OndarkTextLowEmphasis, outlineVariant: Color = OndarkDisabled, scrim: Color = Background700, surfaceBright: Color = Background500, surfaceContainer: Color = Background600, surfaceContainerHigh: Color = Background500, surfaceContainerHighest: Color = Background400, surfaceContainerLow: Color = Background600, surfaceContainerLowest: Color = Background700, surfaceDim: Color = Background700): ColorScheme

Returns a ColorScheme based on the Sendbird Uikit dark theme.

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fun sendbirdLightColorScheme(primary: Color = PrimaryMain, onPrimary: Color = Background50, primaryContainer: Color = PrimaryExtraLight, onPrimaryContainer: Color = PrimaryExtraDark, inversePrimary: Color = PrimaryLight, secondary: Color = SecondaryMain, onSecondary: Color = Background50, secondaryContainer: Color = SecondaryExtraLight, onSecondaryContainer: Color = SecondaryExtraDark, tertiary: Color = InformationMain, onTertiary: Color = Background50, tertiaryContainer: Color = InformationExtraLight, onTertiaryContainer: Color = InformationExtraDark, background: Color = Background50, onBackground: Color = OnlightTextHighEmphasis, surface: Color = Background50, onSurface: Color = OnlightTextHighEmphasis, surfaceVariant: Color = Background100, onSurfaceVariant: Color = OnlightTextMidEmphasis, surfaceTint: Color = OverlayLight, inverseSurface: Color = Background500, inverseOnSurface: Color = Background100, error: Color = ErrorMain, onError: Color = Background50, errorContainer: Color = ErrorExtraLight, onErrorContainer: Color = ErrorExtraDark, outline: Color = OnlightTextLowEmphasis, outlineVariant: Color = OnlightDisabled, scrim: Color = Background700, surfaceBright: Color = Background100, surfaceContainer: Color = Background200, surfaceContainerHigh: Color = Background300, surfaceContainerHighest: Color = Background400, surfaceContainerLow: Color = Background100, surfaceContainerLowest: Color = Background50, surfaceDim: Color = Background100): ColorScheme

Returns a ColorScheme based on the Sendbird Uikit light theme.

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fun sendbirdShapes(extraSmall: CornerBasedShape = RoundedCornerShape(4.dp), small: CornerBasedShape = RoundedCornerShape(6.dp), medium: CornerBasedShape = RoundedCornerShape(8.dp), large: CornerBasedShape = RoundedCornerShape(12.dp), extraLarge: CornerBasedShape = RoundedCornerShape(16.dp)): Shapes

Returns a Shapes based on the Sendbird Uikit shapes.

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fun SendbirdTheme(lightColorScheme: ColorScheme = sendbirdLightColorScheme(), darkColorScheme: ColorScheme = sendbirdDarkColorScheme(), shapes: Shapes = sendbirdShapes(), typography: Typography = sendbirdTypography(), isDarkTheme: Boolean = isSystemInDarkTheme(), isDynamicColor: Boolean = false, content: @Composable () -> Unit)

Represents default theme for the Sendbird Uikit based on the MaterialTheme.

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fun sendbirdTypography(displayLarge: TextStyle = TextStyle( fontFamily = SendbirdFontFamily.Roboto, fontWeight = FontWeight.Normal, fontSize = 57.sp, lineHeight = 64.sp, letterSpacing = 0.25.sp ), displayMedium: TextStyle = TextStyle( fontFamily = SendbirdFontFamily.Roboto, fontWeight = FontWeight.Normal, fontSize = 45.sp, lineHeight = 52.sp, letterSpacing = 0.sp ), displaySmall: TextStyle = TextStyle( fontFamily = SendbirdFontFamily.Roboto, fontWeight = FontWeight.Normal, fontSize = 36.sp, lineHeight = 44.sp, letterSpacing = 0.sp ), headlineLarge: TextStyle = TextStyle( fontFamily = SendbirdFontFamily.Roboto, fontWeight = FontWeight.Bold, fontSize = 24.sp ), headlineMedium: TextStyle = TextStyle( fontFamily = SendbirdFontFamily.Roboto, fontWeight = FontWeight.Medium, fontSize = 18.sp ), headlineSmall: TextStyle = TextStyle( fontFamily = SendbirdFontFamily.Roboto, fontWeight = FontWeight.Bold, fontSize = 16.sp ), titleLarge: TextStyle = TextStyle( fontFamily = SendbirdFontFamily.Roboto, fontWeight = FontWeight.Medium, fontSize = 16.sp ), titleMedium: TextStyle = TextStyle( fontFamily = SendbirdFontFamily.Roboto, fontWeight = FontWeight.Normal, fontSize = 16.sp ), titleSmall: TextStyle = TextStyle( fontFamily = SendbirdFontFamily.Roboto, fontWeight = FontWeight.Bold, fontSize = 14.sp ), bodyLarge: TextStyle = TextStyle( fontFamily = SendbirdFontFamily.Roboto, fontWeight = FontWeight.Normal, fontSize = 16.sp ), bodyMedium: TextStyle = TextStyle( fontFamily = SendbirdFontFamily.Roboto, fontWeight = FontWeight.Medium, fontSize = 14.sp ), bodySmall: TextStyle = TextStyle( fontFamily = SendbirdFontFamily.Roboto, fontWeight = FontWeight.Normal, fontSize = 14.sp ), labelLarge: TextStyle = TextStyle( fontFamily = SendbirdFontFamily.Roboto, fontWeight = FontWeight.Bold, fontSize = 12.sp ), labelMedium: TextStyle = TextStyle( fontFamily = SendbirdFontFamily.Roboto, fontWeight = FontWeight.Normal, fontSize = 12.sp ), labelSmall: TextStyle = TextStyle( fontFamily = SendbirdFontFamily.Roboto, fontWeight = FontWeight.Normal, fontSize = 11.sp )): Typography

Returns a Typography based on the Sendbird Uikit typography.