Package-level declarations


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Formats timestamp to 'date month' format (e.g. '19 Dec').

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Formats timestamp to 'date month, year' format (e.g. '19 Dec, 2022').

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Formats timestamp to 'day of week, date month' format (e.g. 'Wed, 19 Dec').

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Flag indicating that the timestamp is of this year.

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Flag indicating that the timestamp is today.

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Flag indicating that the timestamp is yesterday.

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Formats timestamp to 'month/date/year' format (e.g. '12/19/2022').

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Get time the difference. Date shows 'date month' format (e.g. '19 Dec'). Minimum resolution is 1 minute.

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Formats timestamp for timeline message. If the timestamp is from this year, it shows 'day of week, date month' format (e.g. 'Wed, 19 Dec'). If the timestamp is from a different year, it shows 'date month, year' format (e.g. '19 Dec, 2022').


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Checks if given milliseconds is of same date as this.

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Checks if given milliseconds is of same date and time as this, up to minutes.

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fun Long.formatDateTime(context: <Error class: unknown class>): String

If this timestamp is of a different date, display the date. If it is of the same date, display the time.

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fun Long.formatTime(context: <Error class: unknown class>): String

Formats timestamp to 'time' format (e.g. '12:00 PM').