Chat UIKit React Native v3
Chat UIKit React Native
Chat UIKit
React Native
Version 3

Read receipt

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Read receipt is a feature that allows a user to know whether their messages have been read by other users in the channel. The UI for read receipt appears in the MessageList component of GroupChannelModule. If the sender's message has been read by all recipients in the channel, a colored double-tick icon will appear above the message’s timestamp. Read receipt is only visible to the sender of the message.

Note : In order to use this feature, you must first create a channel and start the chat service. To learn how to allow users to chat in a channel, refer to the chat in a group channel page.

How to use

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The read receipt feature is turned on by default in group channels but in order to use it in a channel list view, you need to set the feature's prop to true in SendbirdUIKitContainer. Follow the code below.

import { SendbirdUIKitContainer } from '@sendbird/uikit-react-native';
const App = () => {
    return <SendbirdUIKitContainer uikitOptions={{ groupChannelList: { enableMessageReceiptStatus: true } }} />;

Customize the UI for read receipt

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You can customize the UI for read receipt through the done-all property of the icon resource.

Icon resource

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The following table shows a customizable read receipt icon.



An icon used to indicate that a message has been read by all members of a channel.

import { Icon } from '@sendbird/uikit-react-native-foundation';

Icon.Assets['done-all'] = require('your_icons/done-all_icon.png');

Note : The same double-tick icon is used for both read receipt and delivery receipt. The only difference is the color of the icon. Default icon colors used for read receipt are secondary300 for Light theme, and secondary200 for Dark theme.