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The friendliest voice and video chat API

Sendbird's voice and video APIs, built for massive scale, make high-quality calls easy to integrate into your web and mobile apps.

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Boost app engagement with voice and video calls

Lift social and customer engagement with voice and video interactions that create deeper and more personal connections.

Direct and group calls

Dial a contact for a one-to-one call or create a room to start a group call.

Img direct and group calls Img direct and group calls
Clear voice and video. No lag.

High-quality calls thanks to Sendbird’s multi-region and low-latency cloud infrastructure.

Img clear voice and video Img clear voice and video
Multi-device and cross-platform SDKs

Allow users to talk or meet face-to-face on web and mobile apps.

Img multi device Img multi device
Img hinge Img hinge
Hinge logo

“We needed to quickly find new digital ways for our users to build meaningful connections and Sendbird’s video calling API promises to do just that.”

Ben Celebicic, CTO at Hinge

Cash in on life-like interactions

Boost engagement, conversion, and retention with life-like interactions that create deeper bonds.

Social & communities

Build a stronger sense of belonging with life-like conversations.

Img social communities Img social communities

Create live, engaging, and fun group experiences that build stronger communities.

Img gaming Img gaming
Ride-sharing & delivery

Reduce cancellations and increase satisfaction with directions easier said than typed.

Img on demand Img on demand

Seeing is believing. Support live demos and see conversions.

Img marketplace Img marketplace

Improve patient satisfaction and health outcomes with safer and more convenient virtual doctor visits.

Img healthcare Img healthcare

Connect students, tutors, and mentors in collaborative chat, voice, and video settings that support learning.

Img education Img education

Allow daters to get to know the real person behind the profile.

Img dating Img dating
Professional services

Build trust and wow your customer with in-person like conversations.

Img professional services Img professional services
“From an engineering perspective, Sendbird was the gold standard for all the capabilities we evaluated."

Jason Pearson, Android Developer

  • iOS
  • Android
  • JavaScript
  • React Native
  • Unity
            // iOS

   let params = RoomParams() 
SendBirdCall.createRoom(with: params) { room, error in
    guard let room = room, error == nil else { return } // Handle error
    let params = RoomEnterParams()
    room.enter(with: params) { room, error in
    guard let room = room, error == nil else { return } // Handle error
    // user has successfully joined `room`

Ship in-app calls in hours

Choosing Sendbird Calls means faster time to market, less maintenance, and more time to focus on your customer and product experiences. Intuitive APIs, sample apps, and tutorials make starting easy.

Experience Sendbird Calls

From the dashboard, call a user on their browser or their Sendbird demo app (iOS or Android) or try out our web-hosted group call sample app.

Get a head start with sample apps

Download the sample apps on GitHub for direct calls (JavaScript, iOS, Android, React Native) and group calls (JavaScript, iOS, Android, React Native, Unity).

View examples and references

Check out the Sendbird Calls tutorials and docs.

Save time with the Sendbird dashboard

Use the Sendbird dashboard to speed up your evaluation, debug your integration, and analyze your calls.

Admin calls

Invite and initiate a call from the dashboard.

Img admin calls Img admin calls
Call logs

View and filter call information.

Img call logs Img call logs
Custom metadata

Add subject lines, labels, tags, or ticket numbers to any call.

Img custom metadata Img custom metadata

Global from day one

Deploy voice and video in your web and mobile apps globally and connect people with a secure and reliable infrastructure ready to scale.

  • High availability in 6 global regions
  • Maintained TURN and STUN servers
  • Stable transmission and low latency
  • High concurrency
  • 24/7 SLA-based Support
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Secure and compliant

Sendbird meets the highest certification standards to reduce the burden of compliance for your business and keep communication secure.

  • User authentication
  • Media encryption according to DTLS standards

Build a complete calling experience with these features

Calling essentials
Advanced functions
Dashboard and platform API