ScheduledUserMessage class Null safety

Represents scheduled user message

Available Extensions


ScheduledUserMessage({String? apnsBundleId, String? dedupId, AppleCriticalAlertOptions? appleCriticalAlertOptions, required int scheduledMessageId, required ScheduledUserMessageStatus scheduledStatus, required MessageType? type, required int scheduledAt, bool? markAsRead, required ChannelType channelType, bool sendPush = true, PushNotificationDeliveryOption pushOption = PushNotificationDeliveryOption.normal, List<String> translationTargetLanguages = const [], String? reqId, ScheduledInfo? scheduledInfo, required String message, required String? senderId, required String channelUrl, List<User> mentionedUsers = const [], MentionType? mentionType, int createdAt = 0, int sentAt = 0, List<MessageMetaArray>? metaArrays, String? customType, bool isSilent = false, String? data, MessageSendingStatus? sendingStatus, bool isPinnedMessage = false})
ScheduledUserMessage.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json)


apnsBundleId String?
The bundle ID of the client app in order to send a push notification to iOS devices.
read / write
appleCriticalAlertOptions AppleCriticalAlertOptions?
Options that support Apple critical alerts and checks whether the message is a critical alert.
read / write
channelType ChannelType
Channel type of this message
read / writeinherited
channelUrl String
Channel url of this message.
createdAt int
Message creation time in millisecond(UTC)
customType String?
Custom message type
data String?
data for this message
read / writeinherited
dedupId String?
The unique message ID created by other system.
read / write
errorCode int?
The error code of this message. This value generated only when message send fails.
read / writeinherited
extendedMessage Map<String, dynamic>
Only featured in GroupChannel Message Template used for Sendbird UI KIT
read / writeinherited
forceUpdateLastMessage bool
True if this message should update last message of its channel
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
isOperatorMessage bool
True if this message was created by an operator.
isPinnedMessage bool
Pinned Message
read / writeinherited
isSilent bool
True if this message won't affect unread message count / mention count
markAsRead bool?
Determines whether to mark the message as read for the sender.
read / write
mentionedUserIds List<String>?
Mention to specific users. If sends a message with this field, the message will be arrived to mentioned users.
mentionedUsers List<User>
The list of users who was mentioned together with this message.
read / writeinherited
mentionType MentionType?
Mention type that this message uses
message String
Message text.
messageId int
Unique message ID.
messageSurvivalSeconds int?
Message disappear in seconds, default is -1 and won't disappear
metaArrays List<MessageMetaArray>?
Gets an array of meta arrays sorted by chronological order. current does not support backward compatibility
read / writeinherited
ogMetaData OGMetaData?
Open graph information in this message. Nullable
parentMessage BaseMessage?
Retrieve current message's parent information
read / writeinherited
parentMessageId int?
The unique ID of the parent message. If the message object is a parent message or a single message without any reply, the value of this property is 0. If the object is a reply, the value is the unique ID of its parent message.
parentMessageText String?
The written text of the message object’s parent message. If the message object is a parent message, the value of this property is null. If the object is a reply to a parent message and the type of the parent message is UserMessage, the value is message. If it is FileMessage, the value is the name of the uploaded file.
reactions List<Reaction>?
reactions for this message
read / writeinherited
replyToChannel bool
Option to reply to channel. The default is false
read / writeinherited
requestedMentionUserIds List<String>?
Represents target user ids to mention when success to send this message. This value is valid only when the message is a pending message or failed message. If the message is a succeeded message, see mentionedUserIds
requestId String?
Request ID for checking ACK.
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
scheduledAt int
The time to send the message, in Unix milliseconds format. The messages are scheduled in minutes The term between current time and scheduledAt should be between 5 minutes (depending on the app attribute minimum_interval_for_scheduling) and 30 days
scheduledInfo ScheduledInfo?
Scheduled message information
read / writeinherited
scheduledMessageId int
Scheduled message ID
scheduledStatus ScheduledUserMessageStatus
Scheduled message status.
sender Sender?
Sender of this message
read / writeinherited
senderId String?
Sender’s ID.
read / write
sendingStatus MessageSendingStatus?
Represents the dispatch state of this message. If this message is not dispatched completely to the Sendbird server, the value is pending. If failed to send the message, the value is failed. And if success to send the message, the value is succeeded.
read / writeinherited
sendPush bool
sentAt int
The sent time of the scheduled message, in Unix milliseconds format. If it is not sent yet, the value is 0.
read / write
threadInfo ThreadInfo?
The thread info that belongs to this message object.
read / writeinherited
type MessageType?
The type of the message.
updatedAt int
Message update time in millisecond(UTC).


applyReactionEvent(ReactionEvent event) bool
Applies ReactionEvent to this message.
applyThreadInfoUpdateEvent(ThreadInfoUpdateEvent event) bool
Applies ThreadInfoUpdateEvent event to this message.
getMetaArrays(List<String> keys) List<MessageMetaArray>
Retreives list of MessageMetaArray with given keys
getThreadedMessagesByTimestamp(int timestamp, ThreadedMessageListParams params) Future<ThreadedMessageResponse>
Retrieves threaded messages (replies) on this message with timestamp and params.
isResendable() bool
Returns true if this message can be resend.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a non-existent method or property is accessed.
toJson() Map<String, dynamic>
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.