Package-level declarations


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suspend fun SendbirdPushHelper.awaitGetPushToken(): String?

Retrieves the current registered token.

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suspend fun SendbirdPushHelper.awaitMarkPushNotificationAsClicked(data: Map<String, String>)

Marks push notification as clicked for push notification click tracking purpose only.

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suspend fun SendbirdPushHelper.awaitMarkPushNotificationAsDelivered(data: Map<String, String>)

Marks push notification as delivered for push delivery tracking purpose only.
This does not mark the message as delivered.
Marking the message as delivered can be done by SendbirdChat.markAsDelivered.

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suspend fun SendbirdPushHelper.awaitUnregisterHandler(unregisterAllTokens: Boolean = false): String?

Unregisters push handler for not receiving FCM/HMS push notifications. When you call this we will request at the server to remove FCM/HMS push token. And you'll not be able to receive any more push notification

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fun SendbirdPushHelper.getPushToken(handler: ResultHandler<String>?)

Retrieves the current registered token.

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fun SendbirdPushHelper.unregisterHandler(unregisterAllTokens: Boolean = false, handler: ResultHandler<String?>?)

Unregisters push handler for not receiving FCM/HMS push notifications. When you call this we will request at the server to remove FCM/HMS push token. And you'll not be able to receive any more push notification