void | Delete (SbErrorHandler inCompletionHandler) |
| Deletes this GroupChannel. Note that only operators of a channel are able to delete it or else, an error will be returned to the handler. More...
void | Join (SbErrorHandler inCompletionHandler) |
| Joins this channel if this channel is public. More...
void | Join (string inAccessCode, SbErrorHandler inCompletionHandler) |
| Joins this channel if this channel is public. More...
void | Leave (SbErrorHandler inCompletionHandler) |
| Leaves this channel. More...
void | Leave (bool inShouldRemoveOperatorStatus, SbErrorHandler inCompletionHandler) |
| Leaves this channel. More...
void | UpdateChannel (SbGroupChannelUpdateParams inChannelUpdateParams, SbGroupChannelCallbackHandler inCompletionHandler) |
| Update this channel with GroupChannelUpdateParams. More...
void | Refresh (SbErrorHandler inCompletionHandler) |
| Refreshes all the data of this channel. More...
void | Hide (SbErrorHandler inCompletionHandler) |
| Hides this channel from the current User's GroupChannel` list. When a new message is received from the channel, it appears again. More...
void | Hide (bool inHidePreviousMessages, bool inAllowAutoUnhide, SbErrorHandler inCompletionHandler) |
| Hides this channel from the current User's GroupChannel list. When a new message is received from the channel, it appears again. More...
void | Unhide (SbErrorHandler inCompletionHandler) |
| Unhide this channel from the current User's GroupChannel list. More...
void | Freeze (SbErrorHandler inCompletionHandler) |
| Freeze this GroupChannel. More...
void | Unfreeze (SbErrorHandler inCompletionHandler) |
| Unfreeze this GroupChannel. More...
void | Invite (List< string > inUserIds, SbErrorHandler inCompletionHandler) |
| Invites Users top this channel. More...
void | AcceptInvitation (SbErrorHandler inCompletionHandler) |
| Accepts the invitation sent to the current User. After the acceptance, the User will be joined to this GroupChannel. More...
void | AcceptInvitation (string inAccessCode, SbErrorHandler inCompletionHandler) |
| Accepts the invitation sent to the current User. After the acceptance, the User will be joined to this GroupChannel. More...
void | DeclineInvitation (SbErrorHandler inCompletionHandler) |
| Declines the invitation sent to the current User. More...
void | StartTyping () |
| Sends start typing event. More...
void | EndTyping () |
| Sends end typing event. More...
SbMemberListQuery | CreateMemberListQuery (SbMemberListQueryParams inParams) |
| Creates a query instance to get members. More...
void | ResetMyHistory (SbErrorHandler inCompletionHandler) |
| Resets the chat history of this channel for the current User. After this call, the messages created before the call will not be loaded. More...
void | PinMessage (long inMessageId, SbErrorHandler inCompletionHandler) |
| Pins a message to the channel. More...
void | UnpinMessage (long inMessageId, SbErrorHandler inCompletionHandler) |
| Removes the message from the channel's pinned messages. More...
IReadOnlyList< SbMember > | GetReadMembers (SbBaseMessage inMessage, bool inIncludeAllMembers) |
| Gets the member list who have read the given message. More...
int | GetUnreadMemberCount (SbBaseMessage inMessage) |
| Returns the number of member's that haven't read the given message. More...
void | MarkAsRead (SbErrorHandler inCompletionHandler) |
| Sends mark as read to this channel with a CompletionHandler. More...
SbMessageCollection | CreateMessageCollection (SbMessageCollectionCreateParams inParams) |
| Creates MessageCollection instance with the params. More...
void | GetMyPushTriggerOption (SbGroupChannelGetMyPushTriggerOptionHandler inCompletionHandler) |
| Requests a setting that decides which push notification for the current user to receive in the group channel. More...
void | SetMyPushTriggerOption (SbGroupChannelPushTriggerOption inGroupChannelPushTriggerOption, SbErrorHandler inCompletionHandler) |
| Changes a setting that decides which push notification for the current user to receive in the group channel. If a value of option is .Default, a push trigger option in this group channel follows a push trigger option of the current user. It is related with SendbirdChat SetPushTriggerOption. More...
SbUserMessage | SendUserMessage (string inMessage, SbUserMessageHandler inCompletionHandler) |
| Sends a user message. More...
SbUserMessage | SendUserMessage (SbUserMessageCreateParams inUserMessageCreateParams, SbUserMessageHandler inCompletionHandler) |
| Sends a string message of params. More...
SbUserMessage | ResendUserMessage (SbUserMessage inUserMessage, SbUserMessageHandler inCompletionHandler) |
| Attempts to resend a failed user message received by the failure callback. Only failed message MUST be passed, not a succeeded message or a pending message. More...
void | UpdateUserMessage (long inMessageId, SbUserMessageUpdateParams inParams, SbUserMessageHandler inCompletionHandler) |
| Updates a user message. The text message, data, custom type from user message params can be updated. More...
SbUserMessage | CopyUserMessage (SbUserMessage inUserMessage, SbBaseChannel inToTargetChannel, SbUserMessageHandler inCompletionHandler) |
| Copies a user message to the target channel. More...
void | TranslateUserMessage (SbUserMessage inUserMessage, List< string > inTargetLanguages, SbUserMessageHandler inCompletionHandler) |
| Requests to translate the text message into the target languages. More...
SbFileMessage | SendFileMessage (SbFileMessageCreateParams inFileMessageCreateParams, SbMultiProgressHandler inProgressHandler, SbFileMessageHandler inCompletionHandler) |
| Sends a file message with file or file URL of params with progress. If the params has a binary file, it will upload data to Sendbird storage. If not, the params has a file url, it will send a message with file url. More...
SbFileMessage | ResendFileMessage (SbFileMessage inFileMessage, SbFileInfo inFileInfo, SbMultiProgressHandler inProgressHandler, SbFileMessageHandler inCompletionHandler) |
| Attempts to resend a failed file message received by the failure callback. More...
void | UpdateFileMessage (long inMessageId, SbFileMessageUpdateParams inParams, SbFileMessageHandler inCompletionHandler) |
| Updates a file message. The data, custom type from file message params can be updated. More...
SbFileMessage | CopyFileMessage (SbFileMessage inFileMessage, SbBaseChannel inToTargetChannel, SbFileMessageHandler inCompletionHandler) |
| Copies a file message to the target channel. More...
bool | CancelUploadingFileMessage (string inRequestId) |
| Cancels an ongoing FileMessage upload. More...
void | DeleteMessage (long inMessageId, SbErrorHandler inCompletionHandler) |
| Deletes a message with message ID. More...
void | GetMessagesByTimestamp (long inTimestamp, SbMessageListParams inParams, SbMessageListHandler inCompletionHandler) |
| Retrieves previous or next messages based on the timestamp in a specific channel. The result is passed to handler as list. More...
void | GetMessagesByMessageId (long inMessageId, SbMessageListParams inParams, SbMessageListHandler inCompletionHandler) |
| Retrieves previous or next messages based on the message ID in a specific channel. The result is passed to handler as list. More...
void | CreateMetaData (Dictionary< string, string > inMetaData, SbMetaDataHandler inCompletionHandler) |
| Creates meta data. This can be used to customize the channel. More...
void | GetMetaData (List< string > inKeys, SbMetaDataHandler inCompletionHandler) |
| Gets the meta data for the channel. More...
void | GetAllMetaData (SbMetaDataHandler inCompletionHandler) |
| Gets all meta data for the channel. More...
void | UpdateMetaData (Dictionary< string, string > inMetaData, SbMetaDataHandler inCompletionHandler) |
| Updates the meta data for the channel. More...
void | DeleteMetaData (string inKey, SbErrorHandler inCompletionHandler) |
| Deletes meta data with key for the channel. More...
void | DeleteAllMetaData (SbErrorHandler inCompletionHandler) |
| Deletes all meta data for the channel. More...
void | CreateMetaCounters (Dictionary< string, int > inMetaCounters, SbMetaCountersHandler inCompletionHandler) |
| Creates the meta counters for the channel. More...
void | GetMetaCounters (List< string > inKeys, SbMetaCountersHandler inCompletionHandler) |
| Gets the meta counters with keys for the channel. More...
void | GetAllMetaCounters (SbMetaCountersHandler inCompletionHandler) |
void | UpdateMetaCounters (Dictionary< string, int > inMetaCounters, SbMetaCountersHandler inCompletionHandler) |
| Gets all meta counters for the channel. More...
void | IncreaseMetaCounters (Dictionary< string, int > inMetaCounters, SbMetaCountersHandler inCompletionHandler) |
| Increases the meta counters for the channel. More...
void | DecreaseMetaCounters (Dictionary< string, int > inMetaCounters, SbMetaCountersHandler inCompletionHandler) |
| Decreases the meta counters for the channel. More...
void | DeleteMetaCounters (string inKey, SbErrorHandler inCompletionHandler) |
| Deletes the meta counters with key for the channel. More...
void | DeleteAllMetaCounters (SbErrorHandler inCompletionHandler) |
| Deletes all meta counters for the channel. More...
SbOperatorListQuery | CreateOperatorListQuery (SbOperatorListQueryParams inParams=null) |
| Creates a query instance to get the operator list from this channel. More...
SbPreviousMessageListQuery | CreatePreviousMessageListQuery (SbPreviousMessageListQueryParams inParams=null) |
| Creates previous message list query for this channel. More...
void | GetMessageChangeLogsSinceTimestamp (long inTimestamp, SbMessageChangeLogsParams inParams, SbMessageChangeLogHandler inCompletionHandler) |
| Requests message change logs after given timestamp. The result is passed to handler. More...
void | GetMessageChangeLogsSinceToken (string inToken, SbMessageChangeLogsParams inParams, SbMessageChangeLogHandler inCompletionHandler) |
| Requests message change logs after given token. The result is passed to handler. More...
SbBannedUserListQuery | CreateBannedUserListQuery (SbBannedUserListQueryParams inParams) |
| Creates a query instance for banned user list of the channel. More...
SbMutedUserListQuery | CreateMutedUserListQuery (SbMutedUserListQueryParams inParams) |
| Creates a query instance for getting muted user list of the channel instance. More...
void | BanUser (string inUserId, int inSeconds, string inDescription, SbErrorHandler inCompletionHandler) |
| Bans a user for seconds. Let a user out and prevent to join again. If the user is already banned, duration will be updated from the time that was initialized. More...
void | UnbanUser (string inUserId, SbErrorHandler inCompletionHandler) |
| Removes ban for a user. More...
void | MuteUser (string inUserId, int inSeconds, string inDescription, SbErrorHandler inCompletionHandler) |
| Mutes a user for seconds. Muted user cannot send any messages to the group channel. More...
void | UnmuteUser (string inUserId, SbErrorHandler inCompletionHandler) |
| Unmutes a user. More...
void | GetMyMutedInfo (SbMuteInfoHandler inCompletionHandler) |
| Gets my muted information in this channel. More...
void | AddOperators (List< string > inUserIds, SbErrorHandler inCompletionHandler) |
| Add operators to the channel. More...
void | RemoveOperators (List< string > inUserIds, SbErrorHandler inCompletionHandler) |
| Remove operators from the channel. More...
void | RemoveAllOperators (SbErrorHandler inCompletionHandler) |
| Remove all operators from the channel. See https://docs.sendbird.com/platform/user_type#3_operator for the explanations on the operators. More...
void | AddReaction (SbBaseMessage inMessage, string inKey, SbReactionEventHandler inCompletionHandler) |
| Adds a reaction to a message. More...
void | DeleteReaction (SbBaseMessage inMessage, string inKey, SbReactionEventHandler inCompletionHandler) |
| Deletes a reaction from a message. More...
void | CreateMessageMetaArrayKeys (SbBaseMessage inMessage, List< string > inKeys, SbBaseMessageHandler inCompletionHandler) |
| Creates keys of meta array for the message. More...
void | DeleteMessageMetaArrayKeys (SbBaseMessage inMessage, List< string > inKeys, SbBaseMessageHandler inCompletionHandler) |
| Deletes keys from meta array of the message. More...
void | AddMessageMetaArrayValues (SbBaseMessage inMessage, List< SbMessageMetaArray > inMetaArrays, SbBaseMessageHandler inCompletionHandler) |
| Adds meta array to the message. More...
void | RemoveMessageMetaArrayValues (SbBaseMessage inMessage, List< SbMessageMetaArray > inMetaArrays, SbBaseMessageHandler inCompletionHandler) |
| Removes meta array from the message. More...
void | ReportUser (SbUser inOffendingUser, SbReportCategory inReportCategory, string inReportDescription, SbErrorHandler inCompletionHandler) |
| Reports a user in a channel of inappropriate activities. More...
void | ReportMessage (SbBaseMessage inMessage, SbReportCategory inReportCategory, string inReportDescription, SbErrorHandler inCompletionHandler) |
| Reports a malicious message in the channel More...
void | Report (SbReportCategory inReportCategory, string inReportDescription, SbErrorHandler inCompletionHandler) |
| Reports current channel instance of inappropriate activities. More...
override SbChannelType | ChannelType [get] |
| SbChannelType More...
SbGroupChannelHiddenState | HiddenState [get, set] |
| The SbGroupChannelHiddenState of this channel. More...
long | InvitedAt [get, set] |
| My invitation timestamp. More...
SbUser | Inviter [get] |
| The inviter of the current User to this channel. More...
bool | IsAccessCodeRequired [get, set] |
| Whether this channel requires access code to join. This value is valid only if this channel is a public GroupChannel. More...
bool | IsBroadcast [get] |
| Checks whether this channel is a broadcast GroupChannel. More...
bool | IsDiscoverable [get] |
| Checks whether this channel is discoverable in the result of PublicGroupChannelListQuery. If it is false, it will not appear on the result of PublicGroupChannelListQuery. More...
bool | IsDistinct [get] |
| Checks whether this channel is a distinct GroupChannel. For a distinct GroupChannel, later when you create GroupChannel with same User and IsDistinct flag being true (refer to createChannel), the channel URL does not change, which means the messages between Users remain at the channel. If the channel is not distinct one, a new GroupChannel is created even though Users are same. As a result, you get a totally new channel URL (the old channel still remains), which means the Users start new conversation. More...
bool | IsExclusive [get] |
| Checks whether this channel is an exclusive GroupChannel. More...
bool | IsHidden [get, set] |
| Checks whether this channel is hidden. More...
bool | IsPublic [get] |
| Checks whether this channel is a public GroupChannel. More...
bool | IsSuper [get, set] |
| Checks whether this channel is a super GroupChannel. More...
bool | IsTyping [get] |
| Whether one or more members are typing. More...
long | JoinedAt [get, set] |
| The timestamp when the current user joined. More...
int | MemberCount [get] |
| The total member count for this channel. More...
int | JoinedMemberCount [get] |
| The total joined member count for this channel. More...
SbBaseMessage | LastMessage [get, set] |
| The last message of the channel. More...
SbBaseMessage | LastPinnedMessage [get, set] |
| The last message among channel's pinned messages. More...
IReadOnlyList< SbMember > | Members [get] |
long | MessageCollectionLastAccessedAt [get] |
| The local timestamp of when this channel has been used in a SbMessageCollection. More...
long | MessageOffsetTimestamp [get] |
| This property is set when resetMyHistory and hide is called. More...
int | MessageSurvivalSeconds [get] |
| The message survival seconds in this channel. More...
SbCountPreference | MyCountPreference [get] |
| Checks whether unread message count is enabled for this channel. This count preference can be set by SetMyCountPreference. More...
long | MyLastRead [get, set] |
| Current user's last read receipt timestamp in channel. More...
SbMemberState | MyMemberState [get, set] |
| My member state. More...
SbMutedState | MyMutedState [get] |
| My muted state in this channel. More...
SbGroupChannelPushTriggerOption | MyPushTriggerOption [get] |
| My push trigger option. The push trigger setting can be updated by SetMyPushTriggerOption. More...
SbRole | MyRole [get, set] |
| My Role in this channel. More...
IReadOnlyList< long > | PinnedMessageIds [get] |
| The pinned message ids of the channel. More...
IReadOnlyList< SbUser > | TypingUsers [get] |
| The typing user list. More...
int | UnreadMentionCount [get, set] |
| The unread mention count for this channel for the current User. More...
int | UnreadMessageCount [get, set] |
| The unread message count for this channel for the current User. More...
string | Url [get] |
| The unique channel URL. More...
abstract SbChannelType | ChannelType [get] |
IReadOnlyDictionary< string, string > | CachedMetaData [get] |
| All locally cached metadata as a map. Cached metadata is updated under following circumstances: More...
string | CoverUrl [get] |
| The cover image URL. More...
long | CreatedAt [get] |
| The creation time of the channel. More...
string | Data [get] |
| The channel data. More...
bool | IsEphemeral [get] |
| Whether the channel is ephemeral. More...
bool | IsFrozen [get, set] |
| Whether the channel is frozen. More...
string | Name [get] |
| The topic or name of the channel. More...
string | CustomType [get] |
| The custom type of the channel. More...
bool | IsGroupChannel [get] |
| Whether the instance is SbGroupChannel type. More...
bool | IsOpenChannel [get] |
| Whether the instance is SbOpenChannel type. More...