
abstract class SelectUserListAdapter<T> : BaseAdapter<T, VH>


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open fun getItem(position: Int): T
Returns item that located given position.
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open fun getItemCount(): Int
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open fun getItemId(position: Int): Long
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open fun getItems(): List<T>
Returns items which bound a RecyclerView.
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Returns a callback to be invoked when the itemView is clicked.
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Returns a callback to be invoked when the itemView is clicked and held.
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Returns a callback to be invoked when the itemView is clicked.
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Returns the list of selected user's id.
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protected abstract fun isDisabled(@NonNull item: T): Boolean
Determines whether the item is disabled or not.
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protected abstract fun isSelected(@NonNull item: T): Boolean
Determines whether the item is selected or not.
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open fun onBindViewHolder(@NonNull holder: BaseViewHolder<T>, position: Int)
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open fun setDisabledUserIdList(@NonNull disabledUserList: List<String>)
Sets the user's id which should disable in the list.
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open fun setItems(@NonNull userList: List<T>)
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Register a callback to be invoked when the itemView is clicked.
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Register a callback to be invoked when the itemView is clicked and held.
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Register a callback to be invoked when the itemView is clicked.
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protected abstract fun toUserInfo(@NonNull item: T): UserInfo
Converts the given item to UserInfo.


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protected open var disabledUserList: List<String>
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protected open var listener: OnItemClickListener<T>
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protected open var userList: List<T>


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