
open class Builder


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open fun Builder()
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open fun Builder(@NonNull themeMode: SendbirdUIKit.ThemeMode)
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open fun Builder(@StyleRes customThemeResId: Int)


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Creates an ChannelListFragment with the arguments supplied to this builder.
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Sets the channel list adapter.
Sets the channel list adapter and the message display data provider.
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Sets the channel list configuration for this fragment.
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Sets the custom fragment.
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Sets the icon when the data is not exists.
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Sets the text when the data is not exists
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Sets the text when error occurs
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open fun setGroupChannelListQuery(@NonNull query: GroupChannelListQuery): ChannelListFragment.Builder
Sets the query instance to get GroupChannels the current User has joined.
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Sets the icon on the left button of the header.
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Sets the icon on the left button of the header.
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Sets the icon on the right button of the header.
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Sets the icon on the right button of the header.
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Sets the title of the header.
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Sets the click listener on the left button of the header.
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Sets the click listener on the right button of the header.
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Sets the click listener on the item of channel list.
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Sets the long click listener on the item of channel list.
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Sets whether the header is used.
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Sets whether the left button of the header is used.
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Sets whether the right button of the header is used.
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Sets arguments to this fragment.