
open class Builder


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open fun Builder(@NonNull channelUrl: String, @NonNull parentMessage: BaseMessage)
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open fun Builder(@NonNull channelUrl: String, @NonNull parentMessage: BaseMessage, @NonNull themeMode: SendbirdUIKit.ThemeMode)
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open fun Builder(@NonNull channelUrl: String, @NonNull parentMessage: BaseMessage, @StyleRes customThemeResId: Int)


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Creates an MessageThreadFragment with the arguments supplied to this builder.
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Sets channel configuration for this fragment.
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Sets the custom fragment.
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Sets the UI configuration of edited text mark.
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Sets the click listener on the emoji reaction of the message.
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Sets the long click listener on the emoji reaction of the message.
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open fun setEmojiReactionMoreButtonClickListener(@NonNull emojiReactionMoreButtonClickListener: OnItemClickListener<BaseMessage>): MessageThreadFragment.Builder
Sets the click listener on the emoji reaction more button.
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Sets the icon when the data is not exists.
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Sets the text when the data is not exists
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Sets the text when error occurs
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Sets the icon on the left button of the header.
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Sets the icon on the left button of the header.
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Sets the icon on the right button of the header.
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Sets the icon on the right button of the header.
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Sets the title of the header.
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Sets the hint of the input text.
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Sets the icon on the left button of the input.
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Sets the icon on the left button of the input.
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Sets the icon on the right button of the input.
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Sets the icon on the right button of the input.
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Sets the input text
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The message input displays as a dialog type.
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Sets the UI configuration of the linked text color in the message text.
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Sets the custom loading dialog handler
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Sets the UI configuration of mentioned text.
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open fun setMessageBackground(@DrawableRes drawableResSentFromMe: Int, @DrawableRes drawableResSentFromOthers: Int): MessageThreadFragment.Builder
Sets the UI configuration of message background drawable.
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Sets the UI configuration of message input text.
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Sets the UI configuration of message text.
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Sets the UI configuration of sender nickname text.
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open fun setOgtagBackground(@DrawableRes drawableResSentFromMe: Int, @DrawableRes drawableResSentFromOthers: Int): MessageThreadFragment.Builder
Sets the UI configuration of ogtag message background drawable.
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Register a callback to be invoked when the cancel button is clicked, when the input is the edited mode.
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Register a callback to be invoked when the save button is clicked, when the input is the edited mode.
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Sets the listener invoked when a text of message input is edited.
Sets the click listener on the profile of emoji reaction user list.
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Sets the click listener on the description of the header.
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Sets the click listener on the left button of the header.
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Sets the click listener on the right button of the header.
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Sets the click listener on the left button of the input.
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Register a callback to be invoked when the input mode is changed.
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Register a callback to be invoked when the right button of the input is clicked.
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Sets the listener invoked when a text of message input is changed..
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Sets the click listener on the item of message list.
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Sets the long click listener on the item of message list.
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Sets the click listener on the mentioned user of message.
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Sets the click listener on the profile of message.
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Sets the long click listener on the profile of message.
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Sets the click listener on the parent message menu.
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Register a callback to be invoked when the button to show voice recorder is clicked.
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open fun setReactionListBackground(@DrawableRes drawableResSentFromMe: Int, @DrawableRes drawableResSentFromOthers: Int): MessageThreadFragment.Builder
Sets the UI configuration of message reaction list background drawable.
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Sets the UI configuration of message sentAt text.
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Sets the timestamp to load the messages with.
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Sets the thread list adapter.
Sets the thread list adapter and the message display data provider.
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open fun setThreadMessageListParams(@NonNull params: ThreadMessageListParams): MessageThreadFragment.Builder
Sets the thread message list params for this channel.
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Sets whether the header is used.
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Sets whether the left button of the header is used.
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Sets whether the right button of the header is used.
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Sets whether the left button of the input is used.
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Sets whether the message group UI is used.
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Sets whether the message list banner is used.
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Sets whether to use divider in suggested mention list.
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Sets whether the user profile uses.
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Sets whether showing the right button of the input always.
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Sets arguments to this fragment.