
A set of Providers that provide a RecyclerView.Adapter that binds to a RecyclerView among the screens used in UIKit.




Link copied to clipboard

Reset all providers to default provider.


Link copied to clipboard

Returns the BannedUserListAdapter provider.

Link copied to clipboard

Returns the ChannelListAdapter provider.

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Returns the CreateChannelUserListAdapter provider.

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Returns the InviteChannelFragment provider.

Link copied to clipboard

Returns the MemberListAdapter provider.

Link copied to clipboard

Returns the MessageListAdapter provider.

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Returns the MessageSearchAdapter provider.

Link copied to clipboard

Returns the MutedMemberListAdapter provider.

Link copied to clipboard

Returns the OpenChannelBannedUserListAdapter provider.

Link copied to clipboard

Returns the OpenChannelListAdapter provider.

Link copied to clipboard

Returns the OpenChannelMessageListAdapter provider.

Link copied to clipboard

Returns the OpenChannelMutedParticipantListAdapter provider.

Link copied to clipboard

Returns the OpenChannelRegisterOperatorListAdapter provider.

Link copied to clipboard

Returns the OperatorListAdapter provider.

Link copied to clipboard

Returns the ParticipantListAdapter provider.

Link copied to clipboard

Returns the RegisterOperatorListAdapter provider.

Link copied to clipboard

Returns the ThreadListAdapter provider.