
A set of Providers that provide a BaseViewModel that binds to a Fragment among the screens used in UIKit.




Link copied to clipboard

Reset all providers to default provider.


Link copied to clipboard

Returns the BannedUserListViewModel provider.

Link copied to clipboard

Returns the ChannelViewModel provider.

Link copied to clipboard

Returns the ChannelListViewModel provider.

Link copied to clipboard

Returns the ChannelPushSettingViewModel provider.

Link copied to clipboard

Returns the ChannelSettingsViewModel provider.

Link copied to clipboard

Returns the CreateChannelViewModel provider.

Link copied to clipboard

Returns the CreateOpenChannelViewModel provider.

Link copied to clipboard

Returns the InviteUserViewModel provider.

Link copied to clipboard

Returns the MemberListViewModel provider.

Link copied to clipboard

Returns the MessageSearchViewModel provider.

Link copied to clipboard

Returns the MessageThreadViewModel provider.

Link copied to clipboard

Returns the ModerationViewModel provider.

Link copied to clipboard

Returns the MutedMemberListViewModel provider.

Link copied to clipboard

Returns the OpenChannelViewModel provider.

Link copied to clipboard

Returns the OpenChannelBannedUserListViewModel provider.

Link copied to clipboard

Returns the OpenChannelListViewModel provider.

Link copied to clipboard

Returns the OpenChannelModerationViewModel provider.

Link copied to clipboard

Returns the OpenChannelMutedParticipantListViewModel provider.

Link copied to clipboard

Returns the OpenChannelOperatorListViewModel provider.

Link copied to clipboard

Returns the OpenChannelRegisterOperatorViewModel provider.

Link copied to clipboard

Returns the OpenChannelSettingsViewModel provider.

Link copied to clipboard

Returns the OperatorListViewModel provider.

Link copied to clipboard

Returns the ParticipantViewModel provider.

Link copied to clipboard

Returns the RegisterOperatorViewModel provider.