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open fun BaseMessageListViewModel(@NonNull channelUrl: String)


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Tries to connect Sendbird Server and retrieve a channel instance.
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open fun buildMessageList(): List<BaseMessage>
Processes a list of messages to be passed to the view.
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open fun deleteMessage(@NonNull message: BaseMessage, @Nullable handler: OnCompleteHandler)
Deletes a message.
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Returns LiveData that can be observed for suggested information from mention.
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Returns LiveData that can be observed for the list of messages.
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abstract fun hasNext(): Boolean
Determine whether the data on the next page exists.
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abstract fun hasPrevious(): Boolean
Determine whether the data on the previous page exists.
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open fun loadMemberList(@Nullable startWithFilter: String)
Loads the list of members whose nickname starts with startWithFilter.
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protected open fun onCleared()
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open fun resendMessage(@NonNull message: BaseMessage, @Nullable handler: OnCompleteHandler)
Resends a message to the channel.
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open fun sendFileMessage(@NonNull params: FileMessageCreateParams, @NonNull fileInfo: FileInfo)
Sends a file message to the channel.
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open fun sendMultipleFilesMessage(@NonNull fileInfos: List<FileInfo>, @NonNull params: MultipleFilesMessageCreateParams)
Sends multiple files message to the channel.
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open fun sendUserMessage(@NonNull params: UserMessageCreateParams)
Sends a text message to the channel.
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open fun setTyping(isTyping: Boolean)
Sets whether the current user is typing.
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open fun toggleReaction(@NonNull view: View, @NonNull message: BaseMessage, @NonNull key: String, @Nullable handler: OnCompleteHandler)
Adds the reaction with key if the current user doesn't add it, otherwise the reaction will be deleted
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open fun updateUserMessage(messageId: Long, @NonNull params: UserMessageUpdateParams, @Nullable handler: OnCompleteHandler)
Updates a text message with messageId.


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open val channel: GroupChannel
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