
ViewModel preparing and managing data related with the list of channels since 3.0.0


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open fun ChannelListViewModel(@Nullable query: GroupChannelListQuery)


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Tries to connect Sendbird Server.
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protected open fun createGroupChannelListQuery(): GroupChannelListQuery
Creates group channel list query.
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open fun getChannelList(): LiveData<List<GroupChannel>>
Live data that can be observed for a list of channels.
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open fun hasNext(): Boolean
Determine whether the data on the next page exists.
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open fun hasPrevious(): Boolean
Returns false as the channel list do not support to load for the previous by default.
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open fun leaveChannel(@NonNull channel: GroupChannel, @Nullable handler: OnCompleteHandler)
Leaves the targeted channel.
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open fun loadInitial()
Requests the list of GroupChannels for the first time.
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open fun loadNext(): List<GroupChannel>
Requests the list of GroupChannels.
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open fun loadPrevious(): List<GroupChannel>
Returns the empty list as the channel list do not support to load for the previous by default.
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protected open fun onCleared()
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open fun setPushNotification(@NonNull channel: GroupChannel, enable: Boolean, @Nullable handler: OnCompleteHandler)
Sets push notification settings of this channel.