
ViewModel preparing and managing data to search a message in a channel since 3.0.0


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open fun MessageSearchViewModel(@NonNull channelUrl: String, @Nullable query: MessageSearchQuery)


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Tries to connect Sendbird Server and retrieve a channel instance.
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protected open fun createMessageSearchQuery(@NonNull keyword: String): MessageSearchQuery
Creates message search query.
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Returns the keyword used in the most recent query.
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open fun getSearchResultList(): LiveData<List<BaseMessage>>
Returns LiveData that can be observed for the list of messages that were searched.
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open fun hasNext(): Boolean
Determine whether the data on the next page exists.
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open fun hasPrevious(): Boolean
Returns false as the message search do not support to load for the previous by default.
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open fun loadNext(): List<BaseMessage>
Requests the list of BaseMessages to be searched.
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open fun loadPrevious(): List<BaseMessage>
Returns the empty list as the message search do not support to load for the previous by default.
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open fun search(@NonNull keyword: String, @Nullable handler: OnListResultHandler<BaseMessage>)
Searches for messages using keyword.


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open val channel: GroupChannel
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