
EditText with Mention feature. This EditText detects the trigger keyword and show a list of suggested users for mention. Plus, If the suggested user is selected, the selected user will be markup as mentioned-text and created as a mention data. since 3.0.0


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open fun MentionEditText(@NonNull context: Context)
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open fun MentionEditText(@NonNull context: Context, @Nullable attrs: AttributeSet)
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open fun MentionEditText(@NonNull context: Context, @Nullable attrs: AttributeSet, defStyleAttr: Int)


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open fun applyTextUIConfig(@NonNull textUIConfig: TextUIConfig)
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open fun bindUserMention(@NonNull config: UserMentionConfig, @NonNull mentionUIConfig: TextUIConfig, @NonNull handler: OnMentionEventListener)
Binds the configuration for mention and the callback for mention to this EditText.
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Returns the mentioned-template text on this EditText.
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open fun getMentionedUsers(): List<User>
Returns the list of mentioned-users on this EditText.
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Return the MentionSpan to which the character at index belongs
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open fun notifySuggestedMentionDataChanged(@NonNull suggestedMentionList: List<User>)
Notifies change of a list of suggested user for mention.
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protected open fun onAttachedToWindow()
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protected open fun onDetachedFromWindow()
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open fun onKeyDown(keyCode: Int, @NonNull event: KeyEvent): Boolean
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protected open fun onSelectionChanged(selStart: Int, selEnd: Int)
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Sets the adapter to be used to a suggested mention popup dialog when the trigger is detected.
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Sets whether to use divider for a suggested mention popup dialog when the trigger is detected.