
enum ThemeMode

UIKit theme mode.


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Light mode.

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Dark mode.


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open fun getErrorTintColorStateList(@NonNull context: Context): ColorStateList
Returns the ColorStateList of the error tint color for the current theme.
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open fun getMonoTintColorStateList(@NonNull context: Context): ColorStateList
Returns the ColorStateList of the mono tint color for the current theme.
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open fun getMonoTintResId(): Int
Returns the resource id of the mono tint color for the current theme.
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open fun getPrimaryTintColorStateList(@NonNull context: Context): ColorStateList
Returns the ColorStateList of the primary tint color for the current theme.
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open fun getPrimaryTintResId(): Int
Returns the resource id of the primary tint color for the current theme.
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open fun getSecondaryTintColorStateList(@NonNull context: Context): ColorStateList
Returns the ColorStateList of the secondary tint color for the current theme.
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open fun getSecondaryTintResId(): Int
Returns the resource id of the secondary tint color for the current theme.
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open fun valueOf(name: String): SendbirdUIKit.ThemeMode
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open fun values(): Array<SendbirdUIKit.ThemeMode>


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val errorColorResId: Int
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val resId: Int