Customizable File Message
Represents a customizable interface of UikitFileMessage. This can be used to hold a custom instance of a UikitFileMessage.
You can directly assign an instance of UikitFileMessage to the baseUikitFileMessage property if you wish to hold on to the UikitFileMessage, which then will automatically be parsed to each properties.
Otherwise, you can override each properties to provide a custom values regardless of the baseUikitFileMessage property.
See also
The implementation of the Uikit's UikitFileMessage which will be assigned to each properties with it's own values. Defaults to EmptyFileMessage.
The created timestamp of the baseUikitFileMessage if base is provided, otherwise EmptyFileMessage.createdAt.
The flag that indicates whether the baseUikitFileMessage is resendable if base is provided, otherwise EmptyFileMessage.isResendable.
The message of the baseUikitFileMessage if base is provided, otherwise EmptyFileMessage.message.
The message id of the baseUikitFileMessage if base is provided, otherwise EmptyFileMessage.messageId.
The params used in sending the baseUikitFileMessage if base is provided, otherwise EmptyFileMessage.params. This is only available when the message is not sent. It will be null if the message is sent successfully.
The plain url of the baseUikitFileMessage if base is provided, otherwise EmptyFileMessage.plainUrl.
The request id of the baseUikitFileMessage if base is provided, otherwise EmptyFileMessage.requestId.
The sender of the baseUikitFileMessage if base is provided, otherwise EmptyFileMessage.sender.
The sending status of the baseUikitFileMessage if base is provided, otherwise EmptyFileMessage.sendingStatus.
The thumbnail of the baseUikitFileMessage if base is provided, otherwise EmptyFileMessage.thumbnail.
The type of the baseUikitFileMessage if base is provided, otherwise EmptyFileMessage.type.
The undelivered member count of the baseUikitFileMessage if base is provided, otherwise EmptyFileMessage.undeliveredMemberCount.
The unique id of the baseUikitFileMessage if base is provided, otherwise EmptyFileMessage.uniqueId.
The unread member count of the baseUikitFileMessage if base is provided, otherwise EmptyFileMessage.unreadMemberCount.
The updated timestamp of the baseUikitFileMessage if base is provided, otherwise EmptyFileMessage.updatedAt.
The url of the baseUikitFileMessage if base is provided, otherwise EmptyFileMessage.url.