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abstract val createdAt: Long

The created timestamp of the message.

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Checks if the UikitBaseMessage is sent by the current user.

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abstract val isResendable: Boolean

The flag that indicates whether the message is resendable.

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abstract val message: String

The message of the message.

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abstract val messageId: Long

The message id of the message. This is set when the message is sent successfully.

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abstract val requestId: String

The request id of the message. This is used to identify the message when the message is not sent yet (sendingStatus != SendingStatus.SUCCEEDED)

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abstract val sender: ChatSender?

The sender of the message.

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abstract val sendingStatus: <Error class: unknown class>

The sending status of the message.

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The undelivered member count of the message.

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open val uniqueId: String

The unique id of the message. This is set to messageId if the message is sent successfully, otherwise requestId.

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abstract val unreadMemberCount: Int

The unread member count of the message.

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abstract val updatedAt: Long

The updated timestamp of the message.


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Returns the last message's display message to be shown in the channel list.

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Returns the nickname of the sender or the unknown text if the sender is null.

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Returns the profile url of the sender or an empty string if the sender is null.

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Returns the sent time of the message in date time format.

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Returns the MessageType based on the message.

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Returns the text for the unknown message type.