
class UikitInitParams(val appId: String, val context: <Error class: unknown class>, val isForeground: Boolean = false, val appVersion: String? = null)

Represents the parameters required to initialize the Sendbird Uikit.




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constructor(appId: String, context: <Error class: unknown class>, isForeground: Boolean = false, appVersion: String? = null)


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The appId of the Sendbird application.

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val appVersion: String? = null

The version of the application. The version string will be trimmed if the length is longer than 30.

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val context: <Error class: unknown class>

The context of the application.

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val isForeground: Boolean = false

The flag to determine whether the init is called from the background (Application.onCreate()) or from foreground (Activity.onCreate(), Fragment.onCreate()).


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open override fun toString(): String