Live Event
A class that provides methods for a host and participants to stream and receive media during a live event.
Adds a listener to receive events about a liveEvent.
Adds videoFrameListener
to receive events about video frames from the Live SDK.
Creates a new RTMP stream. This creates a new RTMP endpoint that you can use as an input for media stream for the live event. A host will be created with the stream type of RTMP and entered to the live event as the host.
Deletes all custom items in a live event.
Deletes custom items in a live event by specifying keys.
Deletes the existing RTMP stream. This will exit the existing host with the RTMP stream type.
Ends a live event. Only the host can perform this action. Calling this method implicitly calls endStreaming.
Ends media streaming of a host in the live event. Only the host can perform this action.
Sends the modified video frames from the external video source to the queue. Set to call this method as frequently as needed to stream seamlessly.
Enters a live event as a host. Only the host can perform this action.
Exits a live event as a host.
Retrieves the latest custom items of a live event.
Fetches the associated open channel from Sendbird Chat
Returns all reaction counts sent during a live event.
Increase a reaction to the ongoing live event by specifying its key.
Mutes the audio of a live event. Only the host can perform this action.
Pauses audio and video stream during a live event. Use instead of endStreaming() to pause without ending host's media stream. Only the host can perform this action.
Removes a listener to stop receiving events about a room.
Resumes audio and video stream after pausing. Use instead of startStreaming() to resume host's media stream without re-establishing the connection to the server. Only the host can perform this action.
Selects a device for audio input and output for a live event.
Selects a device for video output during a live event. Only the host can perform this action.
Sets the listener for connection quality and its monitoring modes.
Sets a live event ready before starting a live event. Only the host can perform this action.
Sets a video view for a live event by showing video stream from the host.
Starts the live event. Only the host can perform this action. Calling this method implicitly calls startStreaming.
Starts media streaming of a host in the live event. Only the host can perform this action.
Starts streaming using an external video source instead of the default camera on a mobile device. When you call this function, you must call enqueueExternalVideoFrame()
as frequently as needed to stream the external frames seamlessly.
Turns on the video of a live event. Only the host can perform this action.
Stops streaming using an external video source and returns to the default camera on a mobile to stream. When you call this function, all calls to enqueueExternalVideoFrame()
will be ignored. You can set another camera to stream by specifying the device on selectVideoDevice()
Switches between the front and back cameras during a live event. Only the host can perform this action.
Unmutes the audio of a live event. Only the host can perform this action.
Updates custom items in a live event.
Updates live event information. Only the host can perform this action.
Update video quality constraints to match given resolution, FPS, and quality degradation preferences.