
data class FormField(val messageId: Long, val key: String, val title: String, val inputType: FormFieldInputType, val regex: String? = null, val placeholder: String? = null, val required: Boolean, val answer: Answer? = null)


Deprecated as 4.19.0. Use MessageFormItem instead.

Represents a form field where users can enter values.



See also


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constructor(messageId: Long, key: String, title: String, inputType: FormFieldInputType, regex: String? = null, placeholder: String? = null, required: Boolean, answer: Answer? = null)


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val answer: Answer? = null

The submitted answer to this form field. Null, if it is not submitted yet.

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The input type of the form field.

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Whether this form field is submittable or not.

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val key: String

The key of the form field.

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The id of the message to which the corresponding form belongs

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val placeholder: String? = null

The placeholder of this form field when the input value is empty.

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val regex: String? = null

The regular expression of this form field to validate the input value.

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Whether this form field is required or not.

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The temporary answer to this form field to store the input value before submitting. It becomes null when it is submitted.

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The title of the form field.


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Whether the given string is valid or not. If the regex is null or not a regular expression, it always returns true.