
class UserMessageUpdateParams @JvmOverloads constructor(var message: String? = null) : BaseMessageUpdateParams

Represents a user message update params.



See also


Link copied to clipboard
constructor(message: String? = null)


Link copied to clipboard
@SerializedName(value = "customType")
var customType: String?

The custom type of the message. Defaults to null.

Link copied to clipboard
@SerializedName(value = "data")
var data: String?

The data of the message. Defaults to null.

Link copied to clipboard
@SerializedName(value = "mentionedMessageTemplate")
var mentionedMessageTemplate: String?

The message's mentioned message template of the message. Defaults to null.

Link copied to clipboard

The mentioned user ids of the message. Defaults to null.

Link copied to clipboard

The mentioned user of the message. Defaults to null.

Link copied to clipboard
@SerializedName(value = "mentionType")
var mentionType: MentionType

The mention type of the message. Defaults to MentionType.USERS.

Link copied to clipboard
@SerializedName(value = "message")
var message: String?

The message text of the message. Defaults to null.


Link copied to clipboard
fun copy(    message: String? = this.message,     mentionedMessageTemplate: String? = this.mentionedMessageTemplate,     data: String? =,     customType: String? = this.customType,     mentionType: MentionType = this.mentionType,     mentionedUserIds: List<String>? = this.mentionedUserIds,     mentionedUsers: List<User>? = this.mentionedUsers): UserMessageUpdateParams
Link copied to clipboard
open override fun toString(): String