
Fragment that provides chat in OpenChannel


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open class Builder
This is a Builder that is able to create the OpenChannel fragment.


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protected open fun deleteMessage(@NonNull message: BaseMessage)
Delete a message
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protected open fun getChannelUrl(): String
Returns the URL of the channel with the required data to use this fragment.
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protected open fun makeMessageContextMenu(@NonNull message: BaseMessage): List<DialogListItem>
Make context menu items that are shown when the message is long clicked.
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protected open fun onBeforeReady(@NonNull status: ReadyStatus, @NonNull module: OpenChannelModule, @NonNull viewModel: OpenChannelViewModel)
After authenticate ()} is finished, onReady will be called with the result of authentication and all preparations will be ready to use.
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protected open fun onBeforeSendFileMessage(@NonNull params: FileMessageCreateParams)
It will be called before sending message.
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protected open fun onBeforeSendUserMessage(@NonNull params: UserMessageCreateParams)
It will be called before sending message.
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protected open fun onBeforeUpdateUserMessage(@NonNull params: UserMessageUpdateParams)
It will be called before updating message.
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protected open fun onBindChannelHeaderComponent(@NonNull headerComponent: OpenChannelHeaderComponent, @NonNull viewModel: OpenChannelViewModel, @Nullable channel: OpenChannel)
Called to bind events to the OpenChannelHeaderComponent.
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protected open fun onBindMessageInputComponent(@NonNull inputComponent: OpenChannelMessageInputComponent, @NonNull viewModel: OpenChannelViewModel, @Nullable channel: OpenChannel)
Called to bind events to the OpenChannelMessageInputComponent.
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protected open fun onBindMessageListComponent(@NonNull messageListComponent: OpenChannelMessageListComponent, @NonNull viewModel: OpenChannelViewModel, @Nullable channel: OpenChannel)
Called to bind events to the OpenChannelMessageListComponent.
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protected open fun onBindStatusComponent(@NonNull statusComponent: StatusComponent, @NonNull viewModel: OpenChannelViewModel, @Nullable channel: OpenChannel)
Called to bind events to the StatusComponent.
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protected open fun onConfigureParams(@NonNull module: OpenChannelModule, @NonNull args: Bundle)
Called to initialize the module's params or components' params.
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open fun onCreate(@Nullable savedInstanceState: Bundle)
Create a module and a view model, and proceed with the authentication process in the view model.
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Called to do initial creation of a module.
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open fun onDestroy()
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protected open fun onMessageClicked(@NonNull view: View, position: Int, @NonNull message: BaseMessage)
Called when the item of the message list is clicked.
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protected open fun onMessageContextMenuItemClicked(@NonNull message: BaseMessage, @NonNull view: View, position: Int, @NonNull item: DialogListItem): Boolean
It will be called when the message context menu was clicked.
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protected open fun onMessageLongClicked(@NonNull view: View, position: Int, @NonNull message: BaseMessage)
Called when the item of the message list is long-clicked.
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protected open fun onMessageProfileClicked(@NonNull view: View, position: Int, @NonNull message: BaseMessage)
Called when the profile view of the message is clicked.
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protected open fun onReady(@NonNull status: ReadyStatus, @NonNull module: OpenChannelModule, @NonNull viewModel: OpenChannelViewModel)
Called to start the operation of the fragment after authentication and module setup.
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open fun onViewCreated(@NonNull view: View, @Nullable savedInstanceState: Bundle)
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protected open fun resendMessage(@NonNull message: BaseMessage)
Resends a failed message.
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protected open fun saveFileMessage(@NonNull message: FileMessage)
Download FileMessage into external storage.
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protected open fun sendFileMessage(@NonNull uri: Uri)
Sends a file with given file information.
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protected open fun sendUserMessage(@NonNull params: UserMessageCreateParams)
Sends a user message.
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protected open fun shouldDismissLoadingDialog()
It will be called when the loading dialog needs dismissing.
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protected open fun shouldShowLoadingDialog(): Boolean
It will be called when the loading dialog needs displaying.
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protected open fun showMediaSelectDialog()
It will be called when the input message's left button is clicked.
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open fun takeCamera()
Call taking camera application.
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open fun takeFile()
Call taking file chooser application.
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open fun takePhoto()
Call taking gallery application.
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open fun takeVideo()
Call taking camera application for video capture.
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open fun tryToChangeEnableInputView(enabled: Boolean, @NonNull hintText: String): Boolean
Enables or disables the input view with hint text.
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protected open fun updateUserMessage(messageId: Long, @NonNull params: UserMessageUpdateParams)
Updates a UserMessage that was previously sent in the channel.