
This class creates and performs a view corresponding the message input area for OpenChannel in Sendbird UIKit. since 3.0.0


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Constructor since 3.0.


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open class Params
A collection of parameters, which can be applied to a default View.


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Returns the edit text view used in the input component bt default.
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Returns the view created by onCreateView.
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open fun notifyChannelChanged(@NonNull channel: OpenChannel)
Notifies this component that the channel data has changed.
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open fun notifyDataChanged(@Nullable message: BaseMessage, @NonNull channel: OpenChannel)
open fun notifyDataChanged(@Nullable message: BaseMessage, @NonNull channel: OpenChannel, @NonNull defaultText: String)
Notifies this component that the data needed to draw the input has changed.
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open fun notifyMyMutedStateChanged(@NonNull channel: OpenChannel, isMuted: Boolean)
Notifies this component that the muted state of the current user has changed.
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open fun onCreateView(@NonNull context: Context, @NonNull inflater: LayoutInflater, @NonNull parent: ViewGroup, @Nullable args: Bundle): View
Called after the component was created to make views.
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protected open fun onEditModeCancelButtonClicked(@NonNull view: View)
Called when the cancel button is clicked, when the input is the edited mode.
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protected open fun onEditModeSaveButtonClicked(@NonNull view: View)
Called when the save button is clicked, when the input is the edited mode.
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protected open fun onEditModeTextChanged(@NonNull s: CharSequence, start: Int, before: Int, count: Int)
Called when the input text is changed, when the input is the edited mode.
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protected open fun onInputLeftButtonClicked(@NonNull view: View)
Called when the left button of the input is clicked.
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Called when the input mode is changed.
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protected open fun onInputRightButtonClicked(@NonNull view: View)
Called when the right button of the input is clicked.
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protected open fun onInputTextChanged(@NonNull s: CharSequence, start: Int, before: Int, count: Int)
Called when the input text is changed.
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Requests to set the input mode.
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open fun setOnEditModeCancelButtonClickListener(@Nullable editModeCancelButtonClickListener: View.OnClickListener)
Register a callback to be invoked when the cancel button is clicked, when the input is the edited mode.
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open fun setOnEditModeSaveButtonClickListener(@Nullable editModeSaveButtonClickListener: View.OnClickListener)
Register a callback to be invoked when the save button is clicked, when the input is the edited mode.
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Register a callback to be invoked when the input text is changed, when the input is the edited mode.
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open fun setOnInputLeftButtonClickListener(@Nullable inputLeftButtonClickListener: View.OnClickListener)
Register a callback to be invoked when the left button of the input is clicked.
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Register a callback to be invoked when the input mode is changed.
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open fun setOnInputRightButtonClickListener(@Nullable inputRightButtonClickListener: View.OnClickListener)
Register a callback to be invoked when the right button of the input is clicked.
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Register a callback to be invoked when the input text is changed.
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open fun tryToChangeEnableStatus(@NonNull channel: OpenChannel, enabled: Boolean, @NonNull hintText: String): Boolean
Enables or disables the input view with hint text.
