
open class Params

A collection of parameters, which can be applied to a default View. The values of params are not dynamically applied at runtime. Params cannot be created directly, and it is automatically created together when components are created.

Since the onCreateView configuring View uses the values of the set Params, we recommend that you set up for Params before the onCreateView is called.

See also


since 3.0.0


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protected open fun Params()
Constructor since 3.0.


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Apply data that matches keys mapped to Params' properties.
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Returns the UI configuration of message input text.
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Returns whether the right button of the input view is shown always.
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open fun setInputHint(@Nullable hint: String)
Sets the hint of the input view.
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Sets the UI configuration of message input text.
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open fun setUseLeftButton(useLeftButton: Boolean)
Sets whether the left button of the input view is used.
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Returns whether the left button of the input view is used.
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Shows always the right button of the input view.


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