Package-level declarations
Represents the state of the message menu dialog for specific message.
Represents the state of the ChannelTopBar.
ViewModel class for ChannelScreen.
The ViewModel contract for ChannelScreen.
Channel view model params.
Represents the contract to handle the message input dialog click actions.
The default implementation of MessageMenuDialogContract.
Represents the mode of the message input.
Represents the state of the message input.
A Composable to display the UikitAdminMessage item.
Represents the channel message input component.
Represents the screen for showing a messages in a UikitGroupChannel.
The top bar for the ChannelScreen.
Represents the message input component.
Represents the message input bottom sheet.
A factory Composable to create a message item based on the message type.
Represents the message menu dialog for the given message.
A Composable to display the current user's UikitFileMessage item other than images or videos using the MyMessageItem.
A Composable to display the current user's UikitFileMessage item, which are image or videos, using the MyMessageItem.
A Composable to display the current user's message item. This is a base Composable with common Composables, such as UikitBaseMessage.sendingStatus and UikitBaseMessage.sentAt with content slot open to be used in customizing for each type of messages.
A Composable to display the current user's UikitUserMessage item using the MyMessageItem.
A Composable to display the current user's unknown type of message using the MyMessageItem.
A Composable to display the other user's UikitFileMessage item other than images or videos using the OtherMessageItem.
A Composable to display the other user's UikitFileMessage item, which are image or videos, using the OtherMessageItem.
A Composable to display the other user's message item. This is a base Composable with common Composables, such as other user's profile image using AsyncImage and UikitBaseMessage.sentAt with content slot open to be used in customizing for each type of messages.
A Composable to display the other user's UikitUserMessage item using the OtherMessageItem.
A Composable to display the other user's unknown type of message using the OtherMessageItem.
Creates a ChannelDialogState that can be remembered across compositions.
Creates a ChannelTopBarState that can be remembered across compositions.
Creates a MessageInputState that can be remembered across compositions.
A Composable to display the unread/undelivered member counts with the sending status of the message.
A Composable to display the UikitTimelineMessage item.