
class ChannelViewModel(repository: ChannelScreenResourceRepository, savedStateHandle: SavedStateHandle) : ViewModel, ChannelViewModelContract

ViewModel class for ChannelScreen.




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constructor(repository: ChannelScreenResourceRepository, savedStateHandle: SavedStateHandle)


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object Companion


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The StateFlow for the deleteMessage request.

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open override val hasNext: Boolean

The flag to check if there is a next page. Refer to ChannelScreenResourceRepository.hasNext.

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open override val hasPrevious: Boolean

The flag to check if there is a previous page. Refer to ChannelScreenResourceRepository.hasPrevious.

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open override val initialized: StateFlow<Boolean>

The flag to check if the channel is initialized.

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open override val loadNextEventState: StateFlow<SimpleSendbirdEventState>

The StateFlow for the loadNext request.

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open override val loadPreviousEventState: StateFlow<SimpleSendbirdEventState>

The StateFlow for the loadPrevious request.

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open override val messagesEventState: StateFlow<MessagesEvent>

The StateFlow of the MessagesEvent.

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The StateFlow for the resendMessage request.

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The StateFlow for the sendFileMessage request.

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The StateFlow for the sendUserMessage request.

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open override val totalMessagesState: StateFlow<List<UikitBaseMessage>>

The StateFlow of the list of UikitBaseMessage to display.

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open override val uiState: StateFlow<SendbirdScreenUiState>

The StateFlow of the SendbirdScreenUiState.

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The StateFlow for the updateUserMessage request.


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open override fun deleteMessage(message: UikitBaseMessage)

Deletes a message with a given message. Deleting is only allowed for a message with ChatBaseMessage type.

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open override fun loadInitial(startingPoint: Long)

Loads the initial messages.

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open override fun loadNext()

Loads the messages to the latest direction to fetch newer messages.

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open override fun loadPrevious()

Loads the messages to the previous direction to fetch older messages.

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Notifies that the deleteMessage event has been processed to reset deleteMessageEventState to SendbirdEventState.Idle state.

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open override fun notifyLoadNextEventProcessed()

Notifies that the loadNext event has been processed to reset loadNextEventState to SendbirdEventState.Idle state.

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Notifies that the loadPrevious event has been processed to reset loadPreviousEventState to SendbirdEventState.Idle state.

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Notifies that the resendMessage event has been processed to reset resendMessageEventState to SendbirdEventState.Idle state.

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Notifies that the sendFileMessage event has been processed to reset sendFileMessageEventState to SendbirdEventState.Idle state.

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Notifies that the sendUserMessage event has been processed to reset sendUserMessageEventState to SendbirdEventState.Idle state.

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Notifies that the updateUserMessage event has been processed to reset updateUserMessageEventState to SendbirdEventState.Idle state.

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@VisibleForTesting(otherwise = 4)
open override fun onCleared()
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open override fun prepare()

The preparation process required for the screen. This contains the Chat SDK's connection by SendbirdChat.connect and getting the channel object ready if necessary.

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open override fun resendMessage(message: UikitBaseMessage)

Resends a message with a given message. Resending is only allowed for a message with ChatBaseMessage type.

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open override fun sendFileMessage(file: File)

Sends a file message with a given file.

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open override fun sendUserMessage(message: String)

Sends a user message with a given message.

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open override fun setTyping(isTyping: Boolean)

Sets the typing status.

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open override fun updateUserMessage(messageId: Long, message: String)

Updates a message with a given messageId and message.