
class OGImage

Represents a OGImage of OGMetaData. For Specifications, see https://ogp.me/.



See also


Link copied to clipboard
object Companion


Link copied to clipboard
val alt: String?

A description of what is in the image (not a caption).

Link copied to clipboard
val height: Int

The number of pixels high.

Link copied to clipboard

An alternate url to use if the webpage requires HTTPS.

Link copied to clipboard
val type: String?

A MIME type for this image.

Link copied to clipboard
val url: String?

An image URL which represents the object within the Open Graph.

Link copied to clipboard
val width: Int

The number of pixels wide.


Link copied to clipboard
open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
Link copied to clipboard
open override fun hashCode(): Int
Link copied to clipboard

Serializes the OGImage instance. This byte array can be stored in the database in your application. The instance can be restored by buildFromSerializedData.

Link copied to clipboard
open override fun toString(): String