
class UserMessageCreateParams @JvmOverloads constructor(var message: String = "") : BaseMessageCreateParams

Represents a user message params.



See also


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constructor(message: String = "")


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@SerializedName(value = "appleCriticalAlertOptions")
var appleCriticalAlertOptions: AppleCriticalAlertOptions?

The apple critical alert options of the message. Defaults to null.

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@SerializedName(value = "customType")
var customType: String?

The custom type of the message. Defaults to null.

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@SerializedName(value = "data")
var data: String?

The data of the message. Defaults to null.

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@SerializedName(value = "isPinnedMessage")
var isPinnedMessage: Boolean

Whether the message should be pinned to the channel. Defaults to false.

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@SerializedName(value = "mentionedMessageTemplate")
var mentionedMessageTemplate: String?

The message's mentioned message template of the message. Defaults to null.

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The mentioned user ids of the message. If it hasn't set before, it returns null. Setting this will overwrite mentionedUsers.

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The mentioned users of the message. If it hasn't set before, it returns null Setting this will overwrite mentionedUserIds.

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@SerializedName(value = "mentionType")
var mentionType: MentionType

The mention type of the message. Defaults to MentionType.USERS.

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@SerializedName(value = "message")
var message: String

The message text of the message. Defaults to an empty string.

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The meta arrays of the message. Defaults to null.

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@SerializedName(value = "parentMessageId")
var parentMessageId: Long

The parent message id of the message. Defaults to 0.

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@SerializedName(value = "pollId")
var pollId: Long?

The poll id of the message. Defaults to null.

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@SerializedName(value = "pushNotificationDeliveryOption")
var pushNotificationDeliveryOption: PushNotificationDeliveryOption?

The push notification delivery option user of the message. Defaults to null.

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@SerializedName(value = "replyToChannel")
var replyToChannel: Boolean

Whether the message should also be sent to the channel. Defaults to false. Only works when the parentMessageId is set.

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@SerializedName(value = "translationTargetLanguages")
var translationTargetLanguages: List<String>?

The translation target languages. Defaults to null.


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fun copy(message: String = this.message, translationTargetLanguages: List<String>? = this.translationTargetLanguages, pollId: Long? = this.pollId, mentionedMessageTemplate: String? = this.mentionedMessageTemplate, data: String? =, customType: String? = this.customType, mentionType: MentionType = this.mentionType, mentionedUserIds: List<String>? = this.mentionedUserIds, mentionedUsers: List<User>? = this.mentionedUsers, pushNotificationDeliveryOption: PushNotificationDeliveryOption? = this.pushNotificationDeliveryOption, metaArrays: List<MessageMetaArray>? = this.metaArrays, parentMessageId: Long = this.parentMessageId, replyToChannel: Boolean = this.replyToChannel, isPinnedMessage: Boolean = this.isPinnedMessage, appleCriticalAlertOptions: AppleCriticalAlertOptions? = this.appleCriticalAlertOptions): UserMessageCreateParams
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open override fun toString(): String