Chat SDKs iOS v3
Chat SDKs iOS
Chat SDKs
Version 3
Sendbird Chat SDK v3 for iOS is no longer supported as a new version is released. Check out our latest Chat SDK v4

User types

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Depending on the channel type your users are chatting in, they are given different labels as well as access to different actions and information. Users can interact with other users in a private chat or block specific users from sending direct messages. In some cases, users can be given an operator role and the designated operators can moderate other users who commit abnormal activities.

User vs. Participant vs. Member

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Scope: Application
Refers to one who can access all the chat features of a Sendbird application with their own unique ID but does not have administrative privileges.


Scope: Open channels
Refers to a specific user who has entered an open channel without an invitation and is staying online in the channel. Open channel participants are provided with limited information only. As opposed to group channel members, relational information such as connection status, typing indicators, and read receipts will not be given to the open channel participants. These participants can enter and exit the channel at all times.


Scope: Group channels
Refers to a specific user who has joined a group channel through an invitation from a channel member or their own choice due to the channel’s characteristics. Relational information such as connection status, typing indicators, and read receipts can be given to the group channel members depending on the channel settings.

Block other users

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A user can block other users within your Sendbird application to stop receiving messages from them in 1-to-1 group channels and notifications of their messages in 1-to-N group channels. You can choose whether or not users can view which users they have blocked in the channel UI.

Note: In the Block and unblock other users section, you can see more detailed information about the two blocking modes which a Sendbird application provides.


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You can assign operators in each channel to moderate participants or members with abnormal activities by banning or muting them in the channel.

The banned participants or members will be kicked out of the channel. After the ban time set by the operators expires, they can participate back in or rejoin the channel. On the other hand, the muted participants or members are allowed to stay in the channel and view the messages, but can't talk until the operators unmute them.