/ SDKs / Android
Chat SDKs Android v4
Chat SDKs Android
Chat SDKs
Version 4

Retrieve a channel by URL

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Since a channel URL is a unique identifier of a channel, you can use a URL when retrieving a channel object. We recommend that you store a user's channel URLs to handle the lifecycle or state changes of your app as well as any other unexpected situations. For example, when a user is disconnected from the Sendbird server by temporarily switching to another app, you can provide a smooth restoration of the user's state once the user has returned to your app by using the stored URL to fetch the appropriate channel instance.

Open channel

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OpenChannel.getChannel(CHANNEL_URL) { channel, e ->
    if (e != null) {
        // Handle error.

    // Through the channel parameter of the callback handler,
    // the open channel object identified with CHANNEL_URL is returned by the Sendbird server,
    // and you can get the open channel's data from the result object.

Group channel

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GroupChannel.getChannel(CHANNEL_URL) { channel, e ->
    if (e != null) {
        // Handle error.

    // Through the channel parameter of the callback handler,
    // the group channel object identified with CHANNEL_URL is returned by the Sendbird server,
    // and you can get the group channel's data from the result object.