Chat SDKs JavaScript v3
Chat SDKs JavaScript
Chat SDKs
Version 3
Sendbird Chat SDK v3 for JavaScript is no longer supported as a new version is released. Check out our latest Chat SDK v4


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Sendbird Chat SDK for JavaScript offers a logging system that allows you to keep track of a number of events and activities including data flow, error, and information while running your application. You can closely monitor the operation of the Sendbird SDK and improve debug efficiency using our logging system.

Log levels

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Log levels can be used to categorize and control log outputs. Sendbird Chat SDK for JavaScript has six different log levels with predefined log functions and they can filtered by your browser's Developer Tools.

List of log levels

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No logs recorded.


Logs all detailed information of the events and activities, as well as the log messages in DEBUG, INFO, WARN, and ERROR.


Logs what's happening inside the SDK that could be helpful to debug unexpected behaviors, as well as the log messages in DEBUG, INFO, WARN, and ERROR.

Logs the general events that take place in the Sendbird SDK, as well as the log messages in WARN and ERROR.


Logs unexpected events which wouldn't affect the operation of Sendbird SDK but might cause problems. This log level also shows the log messages in ERROR.


Logs what have caused failures in the specific events, but not a Sendbird SDK-wide failure.

How to configure the log level

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The default log level set for Sendbird Chat SDK for JavaScript is LogLevel.WARN, which means that Sendbird SDK will keep logs of both errors and warning messages. You can change the settings through the setLogLevel() method in the SendBird class as follows:


List of parameters

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Parameter nameTypeDescription



Specifies the severity level of log to retrieve. Each one takes precedence over the other in the order of VERBOSE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, and ERROR. You can also use NONE in order to not record any logs regarding Sendbird Chat SDK on the client app.

Log format

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The following logs show how Sendbird Chat SDK logs will appear.

POST request
  [DEBUG   ] url: /group_channels/sendbird_group_channel_32543200_ad2dccf93d213ae2c8fb7e8ff6d68281ca0c91ca
  [DEBUG   ] data: {user_ids: Array(1), name: "Group Channel_Ballet"}
GET request
  [DEBUG   ] url: /group_channels/sendbird_group_channel_32543200_ad2dccf93d213ae2c8fb7e8ff6d68281ca0c91ca
  [DEBUG   ] data: {show_member: true, show_read_receipt: true, show_delivery_receipt: true}
GET request
  [DEBUG   ] url: /group_channels/sendbird_group_channel_32543200_ad2dccf93d213ae2c8fb7e8ff6d68281ca0c91ca
  [DEBUG   ] data: {show_member: true, show_read_receipt: true, show_delivery_receipt: true}
POST response
  [DEBUG   ] data: {invited_at: 1611133946581, custom_type: "", is_ephemeral: false, read_receipt: {…}, member_state: "joined", …}
  [WARN    ] `setErrorFirstCallback(false)` will be deprecated. Please use `setErrorFirstCallback(true)` and the error first callback: `(error, ...args) => { }`.
GET response
  [DEBUG   ] data: {invited_at: 1611133946581, custom_type: "", is_ephemeral: false, read_receipt: {…}, member_state: "joined", …}
GET response
  [ERROR   ] error: SendBirdException: Not authorized. "User must be a member.".
    at S.value (http://localhost:8080//SendBird.min.js:6:16818)
    at http://localhost:8080//SendBird.min.js:6:17612