Chat UIKit Flutter v3
Chat UIKit Flutter
Chat UIKit
Version 3

Moderate group channels and members

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In group channels, you can moderate channels and members through the SBUGroupChannelModerationsScreen. Using the moderation menu, you can retrieve a list of operators, muted members, and banned users in a channel, as well as freeze the channel. In order to use this feature, a channel must have at least one operator.

Group channel moderation screen

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The messageCollectionNo parameter in SBUGroupChannelModerationsScreen constructor is required and the others are optional.

Widget screen = SBUGroupChannelModerationsScreen(
  messageCollectionNo: collectionNoInSBUGroupChannelScreen, // Required parameter
  onOperatorsButtonClicked: (channel) {
    // Move to SBUGroupChannelOperatorsScreen.
  onMutedMembersButtonClicked: (channel) {
    // Move to SBUGroupChannelMutedMembersScreen.
  onBannedUsersButtonClicked: (channel) {
    // Move to SBUGroupChannelBannedUsersScreen.