Chat UIKit iOS UIKit v3
Chat UIKit iOS UIKit
Chat UIKit
Version 3

Customize the message context menu

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A long tab on a message object in the chat view can reveal a list of action items that can be perform on the message. Customize the message's context menu by creating a subclass of SBUGroupChannelModule.List and overriding the createMessageMenuItems(for:) function.

This guide demonstrates how to:

Add a context menu item

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The following codes in each tab demonstrate how to add an Animation effect button to the context menu.

  1. Create a subclass of SBUGroupChannelModule.List and override the createMessageMenuItems(for:) function to add a new menu button.
import UIKit
import SendbirdUIKit
import SendbirdChatSDK

// Create a delegate for CustomGroupChannelModuleList. 
protocol CustomGroupChannelModuleListDelegate {
    func groupChannelModule(_ listComponent: CustomGroupChannelModuleList, didAddAnimateMessage message: BaseMessage)

// Create a subclass of SBUGroupChannelModule.List.
class CustomGroupChannelModuleList: SBUGroupChannelModule.List {
    var customDelegate: CustomGroupChannelModuleListDelegate?
    override func createMessageMenuItems(for message: BaseMessage) -> [SBUMenuItem] {
        var items = super.createMessageMenuItems(for: message)
        switch message {
        case is UserMessage:
            let animation = self.createAnimationMenuItem(for: message)
        default: break
        return items
    private func createAnimationMenuItem(for message: BaseMessage) -> SBUMenuItem {
        // Customize as needed.
        let symbolConfiguration = UIImage.SymbolConfiguration(pointSize: 24, weight: .bold)
        let iconImage = UIImage(systemName: "bubbles.and.sparkles", withConfiguration: symbolConfiguration)

        // Create a menu item for animation.
        let menuItem = SBUMenuItem(
            title: "Animation",
            color: self.theme?.menuTextColor,
            image: iconImage
        ) { [weak self, message] in
            guard let self = self else { return }
            self.customDelegate?.groupChannelModule(self, didAddAnimateMessage: message)
        menuItem.isEnabled = true
        menuItem.transitionsWhenSelected = false
        return menuItem
  1. Then create a custom ViewController and set the custom classes to GroupChannelModule.ListComponent and GroupChannelViewController before using them.
// Create a subclass of SBUGroupChannelViewController that is also a CustomGroupChannelModuleListDelegate.
class CustomGroupChannelViewController: SBUGroupChannelViewController, CustomGroupChannelModuleListDelegate {
    func groupChannelModule(_ listComponent: CustomGroupChannelModuleList, didAddAnimateMessage message: BaseMessage) {
        // Show animated message.
        print("Animated message.")

    override func setupViews() {
        // set
        (self.listComponent as? CustomGroupChannelModuleList)?.customDelegate = self
  1. Once created, you need to set the custom classes to GroupChannelModule.ListComponent and GroupChannelViewController before using them. We recommend to run them after initialization in the AppDelegate file as shown below.
// Run this code anywhere before using CustomGroupChannelViewController and CustomGroupChannelModuleList.
SBUModuleSet.GroupChannelModule.ListComponent = CustomGroupChannelModuleList.self
SBUViewControllerSet.GroupChannelViewController = CustomGroupChannelViewController.self