Chat UIKit iOS UIKit v3
Chat UIKit iOS UIKit
Chat UIKit
Version 3


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Sendbird UIKit for iOS offers a logging system that allows you to keep track of the number of events and activities, such as data flow, error, and information, that are occurring while running the client app. You can closely monitor the operation of the UIKit and improve debugging efficiency.

Log types

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Log types, or log levels, can be used to categorize and control log outputs. The following table lists five different log types for the logger in UIKit for iOS.



No logs recorded.


Logs what have caused failures in the specific events, but not an UIKit-wide failure.


Logs unexpected events which wouldn’t affect the operation of UIKit, but might cause problems.


Logs general events of UIKit.


Logs all detailed information of the events and activities, including info, warn, and error.

How to configure the log type

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The default log type for iOS is none. You can set the log level through the setLogLevel() method in the SendbirdUI class. If you are developing your app in Swift, you can first set a single log type and use a logType array to specify all log types at once.

// Output all logs.
// Output only specific logs.
SendbirdUI.setLogLevel([.error, .info])

List of parameters

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Parameter nameDescription


Type: LogType (enum)
Specifies one or more severity types of log to retrieve. You can select either a single or multiple log level types. Acceptable values are none, error, warning, info, and all.

Log format

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Log messages as output are displayed on the console in the order as follows:

{date time} {tag} {type} {thread} {classFuncName} | {message}