There are three ways to customize UI components in UIKit for React: use modules, use provider and UI components, or build your own custom UI component.
You can choose to only customize the top-level module to make changes to a view. The outer layer of the module contains a provider and UI components grouped together, which allows you to apply the most basic customization. You can customize the module by using render props. This method is the quickest and most simple way to make changes to the UI of the screen, but it doesn't allow for any detailed level of customization.
Import SendbirdProvider and define the ChannelList smart component inside the provider first. Then, use the props to make modifications. Refer to the example code below on how to customize the channel list view.
To make more detailed customizations to a view, you can use the provider and UI components in the module. Each module has a provider that contains a set of pre-built UI components. To customize the module, you can modify either the provider or the UI components. Since all UI components share the same provider, they refer to one data source. This means that if you customize the logic or the event handlers of a provider, the changes will apply to all UI components sharing the same provider.
You can also choose to customize the UI components if you want to make changes to the view of the module. In every module, there's a UI component that displays the basic screen of the module and contains placeholders for other components. If you want to apply the same modifications to all UI components, you need to customize the UI component that displays the whole screen. If not, you can solely customize a single child component.
Refer to the example code below on how to customize ChannelListProvider.
If you don't want to use the default module provided by UIKit to build your app, you can make your own custom UI component and apply it to the provider. For example, you can choose to display only the create channel button without the header or channel list component in the channel list provider.
Follow the steps below on how to make your own custom UI component and apply it to the provider.