Live SDKs Android v1
Live SDKs Android
Live SDKs
Version 1

Change the state of a live event

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Before starting the event, hosts can change the state to ready by calling the setEventReady() method. This action will allow participants to enter the event and chat among themselves or with the hosts. At this point, the participants can’t receive the media stream of hosts yet.

However, hosts can receive the media stream of other hosts even when the live event is in ready state. This allows them to discuss with one another and check for stable internet connection before the live event begins.

liveEvent.setEventReady { /* it: SendbirdException */ }

List of live event states

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Hosts can create, enter, start, stop, and exit without ending the live event, and configure media settings.

Participants can't enter the live event.


Hosts can enter, start, stop, and exit without ending the live event, and view their own media stream.

Participants can enter live event, and use the chat, but can't receive the host's media stream yet.


Hosts can turn on/off media stream, update live event information, and exit without ending the live event.

Participants can receive the host's media stream, and use the chat.


Hosts can end the live event.

Participants are notified that the live event has ended.