Live SDKs iOS v1
Live SDKs iOS
Live SDKs
Version 1

Enter a live event

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In a live event, the maximum of six users can operate as a host simultaneously and their IDs can be specified in userIdsForHost of LiveEvent.CreateParams when creating a live event. Those who are specified in the userIdsForHost can enter the live event as a host and perform various actions: exit, re-enter, start and end their media stream, change the state of the event, chat in the open channel.

On the other hand, even if a user is specified as a host, the user can still determine whether to join as a host or a participant. To enter as a participant, call LiveEvent.enter().

Note: The actions that hosts take are independent of the states of the live event. For example, a host's entering or leaving the event won't change the state of it. A host can exit the live event without ending the live event because endEvent() must be called to completely end the live event. To understand how it works, refer to the leave the live event temporarily page.

liveEvent.enterAsHost { error in
    guard error == nil else { return }
    // Successfully entered the live event.

liveEvent.exitAsHost { error in
    guard error == nil else { return }
    // Successfully exited the live event.