/ SDKs / Unity
Calls SDKs Unity v1
Calls SDKs Unity
Calls SDKs
Version 1

Receive events

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When an event listener is added to a room, users will be notified on events that occur in the room they are in.

Receive events on enter and exit

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When a user joins or leaves a room, other participants in the room receive the following events.

class MyRoomListener : SbRoomEventListener
   // Called when a remote participant has entered a room.
   public void OnRemoteParticipantEntered(SbRemoteParticipant remoteParticipant) { }

   // Called when a remote participant has exited a room.
   public void OnRemoteParticipantExited(SbRemoteParticipant remoteParticipant) { }

Receive events on microphone setting

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When a user mutes their microphone using the MuteMicrophone() method, other participants receive the following event.

class MyRoomListener : SbRoomEventListener
   // Called when a remote participant's audio settings have changed.
   public void OnRemoteAudioSettingsChanged(SbRemoteParticipant remoteParticipant) { }

Receive events on deleted room

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To delete a room using the Calls API, see the delete a room page in the Calls API documentation. When a room has been deleted, participants in the room receive the following event.

class MyRoomListener : SbRoomEventListener
   // Called when the room has been deleted.
   public void OnDeleted() { }