Live SDKs Android v1
Live SDKs Android
Live SDKs
Version 1
Sendbird Live for Android
With Sendbird Live for Android, you can easily turn your app into a streaming platform with essential messaging features and customizable UIKit. Try using Live Studio on Sendbird dashboard to set and test live events without writing code.
Video and audio specifications
- 1080p video resolution
- 60 video frames per second
- VP8 video encoding
- Aspect ratio management
- Camera switching
- Content streaming by multiple hosts
- Opus audio encoding
- Audio auto-gain control
- Mono and stereo support
- Echo cancellation
- Noise suppression
Most popular
Start your first live
Start a live event with customizable and ready-made UI. Up to 100K participants can join.
Create a live event
Create a live event to start streaming supported by low latency WebRTC.
RTMP support
Stream using a professional camera or external software.
Add custom items
Add information about a live event as custom items.
Change the state of a live event
Change the states to get ready, start, and end a live event.