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Chat SDKs Flutter v4
Chat SDKs Flutter
Chat SDKs
Version 4

Close a poll

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You can close a poll by specifying the pollId in the closePoll() method.

try {
  // Close an existing poll.
  final result = await channel.closePoll(pollId: POLL_ID);
} catch (e) {
  // Handle error.

The closeAt property

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When integrating polls in your application, managing the closeAt property is crucial for a smooth user experience. Here are guidelines for handling this property effectively:

1. Message list (Channel view)

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  • Closed polls: When rendering a list of messages, check if the poll's closeAt time is in the past compared to the current time. If it is, display the poll using a "closed" UI state. Note that differences between device and server time might affect this comparison.

2. Real-time updates in channels

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  • Active channel scenario: If a user is already in a chanel and remains in a channel past the closeAt time, implement a real-time timer to check closeAt against the current time and update the UI accordingly.

3. Re-entering a channel

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  • UI update on re-entry: Make sure the UI updates correctly to show the poll's closed state if closeAt has passed while the user was away in another view.

4. User interactions with closed polls

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  • Error handling: Prevent users from interacting with closed polls by updating the UI and handling errors appropriately if they attempt to vote after closeAt.

5. Standalone poll screens

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  • Consistent logic: Apply the same real-time checks and UI updates in standalone poll views as in message lists.