/ SDKs / Flutter
Chat SDKs Flutter v4
Chat SDKs Flutter
Chat SDKs
Version 4

Manage user metadata

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Metadata consists of key-value items in which you can store additional information to users. You can add up to five key-value items for user metadata. Each key can have up to 128 characters and each value can have up to 190 characters as string. This section explains how to manage user metadata.

Create metadata

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You can create additional information such as phone number, email address or other descriptions to a user, which can be fetched or rendered into the UI. As an object, user metadata in Map<String, String> is stored into a User object.

To store user metadata into a User object, create Map<String, String> of key-value items, and then pass it as an argument to a parameter when calling the createMetaData method. You can add multiple key-value items in the map.

try {
  final user = SendbirdChat.currentUser;
  final metaData = {'key1': 'value1', 'key2': 'value2'};
  final createdMetaData = await user.createMetaData(metaData);
  // A User’s metadata has been created.
} catch (e) {
  // Handle error.

Retrieve metadata

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You can retrieve metadata stored to a user by calling the metaData property of a User object.

final user = SendbirdChat.currentUser;
final metaData = user.metaData;

Update metadata

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You can update metadata of a user by adding a map of key-value items, and then pass it as an argument to the parameter in the updateMetaData() method. Values of existing keys will be updated and values of new keys will be added. You can put multiple key-value items in the map.

try {
  final user = SendbirdChat.currentUser;
  final metaData = {'key1': 'valueToUpdate1', 'key2': 'valueToUpdate2'};
  final updatedMetaData = await user.updateMetaData(metaData);
  // A User’s meta data has been updated.
} catch (e) {
  // Handle error.

Delete metadata

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You can delete metadata stored to a user as below.

try {
  final user = SendbirdChat.currentUser;
  await user.deleteMetaData('key1');
} catch (e) {
  // Handle error.