/ UIKit / Android View
Chat UIKit Android View v3
Chat UIKit Android View
Chat UIKit
Android View
Version 3

Add a new message type

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You can create new message types other than the ones provided by Sendbird UIKit.

Sending messages with custom data

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First, define the custom message type. Sendbird UIKit reserves message types from 0 to 1000. You should define custom message types from 1001 as shown in the sample code below.

const val NEW_MESSAGE_TYPE = 1001
const val NEW_FILE_MESSAGE_TYPE = 1002

Before sending a message, you can set its customType. You can also include data that will be used to render the UI for this custom message.

SendbirdUIKit.setCustomParamsHandler(object : CustomParamsHandler {
    override fun onBeforeSendUserMessage(params: UserMessageCreateParams) {
        params.customType = NEW_MESSAGE_TYPE.toString()
        params.data = "DATA FOR CUSTOM UI"
    override fun onBeforeSendFileMessage(params: FileMessageCreateParams) {
        params.customType = NEW_FILE_MESSAGE_TYPE.toString()
        params.data = "DATA FOR CUSTOM UI"

Drawing new message types

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Rendering a new message type is similar to declaring a viewType in an Android RecyclerView. First, you inherit from MessageListAdapter and implement the getItemViewType() method. Based on the custom type returned from getItemViewType(), you can render a custom ViewHolder. Follow the sample code below.

private const val NEW_MESSAGE_TYPE = 1001
private const val NEW_FILE_MESSAGE_TYPE = 1002

class NewMessageTypeSampleAdapter(
    channel: GroupChannel?,
    uiParams: MessageListUIParams
) : MessageListAdapter(channel, uiParams) {
    override fun onCreateViewHolder(parent: ViewGroup, viewType: Int): MessageViewHolder {
        val inflater = LayoutInflater.from(parent.context)
        return when (viewType) {
            NEW_MESSAGE_TYPE -> {
                return NewMessageTypeSampleViewHolder(
            NEW_FILE_MESSAGE_TYPE -> {
                return NewFileTypeMessageViewHolder(
            else -> super.onCreateViewHolder(parent, viewType)

    override fun getItemViewType(position: Int): Int = with(getItem(position)) {
        return when (this.customType) {
            NEW_MESSAGE_TYPE.toString() -> return NEW_MESSAGE_TYPE
            NEW_FILE_MESSAGE_TYPE.toString() -> return NEW_FILE_MESSAGE_TYPE
            else -> MessageViewHolderFactory.getViewType(this)

    class NewMessageTypeSampleViewHolder(
        val binding: ViewCustomMessageMeBinding
    ) : GroupChannelMessageViewHolder(binding.root) {
        override fun setEmojiReaction(
            reactionList: MutableList<Reaction>,
            emojiReactionClickListener: OnItemClickListener<String>?,
            emojiReactionLongClickListener: OnItemLongClickListener<String>?,
            moreButtonClickListener: View.OnClickListener?
        ) {}

        override fun bind(channel: BaseChannel, message: BaseMessage, params: MessageListUIParams) {
            // Draw your custom message view

        override fun getClickableViewMap(): Map<String, View> = mapOf()

For an in-depth practical demonstration, see our sample code.