/ UIKit / Android View
Chat UIKit Android View v3
Chat UIKit Android View
Chat UIKit
Android View
Version 3


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​ In the customizations section, we introduce ways to apply customization across the entire Sendbird UIKit for Android, as well as specific customization options for individual screens.

Global customization

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You can apply customizations to the entire UIKit framework by utilizing the FragmentProviders, ModuleProviders, AdapterProviders, and ViewModelProviders classes provided by UIKit. ​

Chat customization

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In this section, you can find information on how to customize the message UI and data, as well as how to apply customizations to the header, input menu, and click events. ​

Channel list customization

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In this section, you can find information on how to tailor the UI and data for the channel list. ​

User list customization

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In this section, you can find information on how to tailor the UI and data for the user list. ​

Resource customization

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You can overwrite or modify resources such as themes, colors, strings, text appearances, and icons to change how these resources are used throughout the entire UIKit for Android. ​