/ UIKit / Android View
Chat UIKit Android View v3
Chat UIKit Android View
Chat UIKit
Android View
Version 3

Customize chat header

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This guide provides step-by-step instructions on customizing ChannelHeaderComponent. All components of Sendbird UIKit for Android can be also customized in a similar manner.

Create a custom component

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Create a new component by inhering from ChannelHeaderComponent and build the UI in the onCreateView method as shown in the code below.

class CustomChannelHeaderComponent : ChannelHeaderComponent() {
    var binding: ViewCustomHeaderBinding? = null

    override fun onCreateView(context: Context, inflater: LayoutInflater, parent: ViewGroup, args: Bundle?): View {
        binding = ViewCustomHeaderBinding.inflate(inflater, parent, false)
        return requireNotNull(binding).root

Configure custom component in module

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Reflect the newly created component within the Module. It's recommended to set up the Module changes using the Provider in the Application's onCreate() method.

class MyApplication : Application() {
    override fun onCreate() {
        ModuleProviders.ChannelModuleProvider { context, _ ->
            ModuleProviders.channel = CustomChannelModule(context).apply {

Bind channel data to UI

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You can receive the latest channel data through the notifyChannelChanged method. Then, use this received data to render the UI.

class CustomChannelHeaderComponent : ChannelHeaderComponent() {
    var binding: ViewCustomHeaderBinding? = null

    override fun onCreateView(context: Context, inflater: LayoutInflater, parent: ViewGroup, args: Bundle?): View {
        binding = ViewCustomHeaderBinding.inflate(inflater, parent, false)
        return requireNotNull(binding).root

    override fun notifyChannelChanged(channel: GroupChannel) {
        binding?.title?.text = channel.name

Bind description data to UI

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If using a typing indicator, the description will contain information regarding the typing status. To pass additional information, call the notifyHeaderDescriptionChanged method.

class CustomChannelHeaderComponent : ChannelHeaderComponent() {
    var binding: ViewCustomHeaderBinding? = null

    override fun onCreateView(context: Context, inflater: LayoutInflater, parent: ViewGroup, args: Bundle?): View {
        binding = ViewCustomHeaderBinding.inflate(inflater, parent, false)
        return requireNotNull(binding).root

    override fun notifyChannelChanged(channel: GroupChannel) {
        binding?.title?.text = channel.name

    override fun notifyHeaderDescriptionChanged(description: String?) {
        binding?.description?.visibility = if (description.isNullOrEmpty()) View.GONE else View.VISIBLE
        binding?.description?.text = description

For an in-depth practical demonstration, see our sample code.