Package-level declarations
Represents the state of the channel settings edit dialog.
The ViewModel class used in ChannelSettingsScreen.
The ViewModel contract for ChannelSettingsScreen.
Represents the parameters for ChannelSettingsViewModel.
Represents the contract to handle the channel cover edit dialog click actions.
Represents the state of the dialog for channel settings.
Represents the dialog for channel cover edit.
Represents the bottom sheet for channel edit.
Represents the channel settings info that displays the title and the image.
Represents the channel settings menu to leave the channel.
Represents the channel settings menu to view the members of the channel.
Represents the channel settings menu that displays the icon, text, and action.
Represents the channel settings menu for the notification settings.
Represents the screen for channel settings.
The top bar for the ChannelSettingsScreen.
Creates a ChannelSettingsDialogState that can be remembered across compositions.
Represents the settings menu that displays the icon, text, and action.